Are you start liking me?

Start from the beginning

"So Let's go"

Mr Kim called Ryung-gu oppa.

"Yeah I will wipe my hand first"

Ryung-gu said sarcastically at Jun Woong and left.I can't control my laugh so I laughed out loud. Jun Woong glared at me but I ignored him.


We both saw Jeong Bo-ram walked out so Jun Woong decided to follow her. I will just stayed here and looked Shin Ye Na. Time passed and Shin Ye Na held another meeting so I will go and fresh myself. I walked to the cafe nearby and saw Jeong Bo-ram there. And Jun Woong sitting at the table where she can't notice him. I walked to him and patted his shoulder. he jumped a bit and

"Aish you startled me"

"Ayy stop deing so dramatic"

I said and took a seat.

"Anyway why are you here. You're supposed to be watching Ms Shin"

"Yeah but she was in meeting and I want to fresh myself"

I said. He nodded. And we both heard some students were making fun of her appearance. After she left, I walked to them and

"Hey students"

I said and pulled a chair to sit with them. I sat down, put my leg over another and crossed my arm.

"Who are you and why are you sitting with us?"

"Oh nothing since you guys are so free to judge other so I came here to talk"

"Ahh are you her friend?"

"That's not you business but if you want to judge, "

I moved closer to their face and looked at three of them once again

"You guys need to be perfect"

a girl scoffed.

"So you are saying we are not perfect"

"Of course sweet heart.You will think you are perfect but no you are not. And I can see some pimples on you forehead. And look at your hair. They are damage sweet heart"

After hearing that she looked at herself in mirror and saw pimples on her forehead and her damage hair.

"And your leg. It is too fat for girl"

I said. I can see she was frustrating. I turned to 2 boys and

"And you both too. Look at yourself. You two can't reach the beauty standard. You two don't have jaw line or sharp nose or anything and with these hairstyle You two look suck"

They all looked angry. I smirked and

"How was that huh? Being judge about your appearance."

They all went silent and

"Miserable right so STOP JUDGING OTHER."

they all looked startled by my voice and I said


they all nodded. I walked back to Jun Woong and

"Let's go"

but he didn't seem like he hear me.

'Jun Woong"

I shook his shoulder and said.


he said.

"Let's go"

he nodded and we both walked back to our company.On the way he kept talking how cool I was while teaching them a lesson.

"I am serious! Hari You look like a female lead"

I stopped walking and looked at him.


he asked blankly.

I moved closer to him and

"Jun woong Are you start liking me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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