His hands lift. 'Stop staring.'

I roll my eyes. 'Go away.'

'Stop watching her every move. She's fine. You don't have to worry.'

I am not even watching her because I am stressed. I am watching her because how can I not? She looks so beautiful today.

I glower at him. 'Stop watching me. Freak.'

Lottie laughs and my eyes dart to hers, surprised.

'I have been practising.' She signs slowly, smiling widely when my frown turns into a small proud smile.

"So basically, you can't whisper anymore. I know what you're saying." She says.

I try not to smirk, and I turn to Fran and sign. 'You think she can catch onto our sign? The way we sign?" We're so much quicker than even Sutton, we just sign slow for his benefit.

Fran laughs and shrugs. 'She probably can.'

We turn to look at Lottie and she looks angry. "That's not fair."

I breathe out amused, smiling at her and River clears his throat. "You know sign?" He asks Lottie, surprised.

She raises one shoulder. "Not really, a bit. Enough to sign simple sentences I guess."

He looks at her impressed. "You are so cool sometimes; you know this right?'

She grins at him, and she proudly lifts her hands and signs. 'I know I am.' to him.

I lie back on the blanket. My eyes closing in frustration.

We did not teach her sign so she can impress other guys.

Sutton laughs out loud, either at Lottie or me. Probably me. He always seems to gather what's going on inside my head.

Fran nudges me and I take off my sunglasses, Lottie's glasses sorry, and she mouths. "How ya feeling?"

"Fine." I answer.

Honestly, I wasn't even in any pain today. I mean with my ribs. I felt ok. My head hurt but that headache just seems to be here constantly.

She raises her eyebrow, asking me through her facial features if I was telling the truth.

I nod.

I mean if I was to take an elbow to the ribs, I'd probably cry out in pain a lot. Or if someone was to shake my bad arm, again, probable meltdown. But just sat here, chilling I am alright.

My head hurts but it's just in the background. It's not getting worse right now so I am not going to take any more painkillers until this evening.

She signs now. 'Just sign to me if you want to leave at any time. We don't even have to go home. Mum and Dad know you're with me so you could probably sleep at mine tonight?'

I sign back. 'They don't want me staying out the house.'

'They can't say anything.'

I shrug. 'Medication is at home.'

She nods. Understanding but brings her hands up and quickly signs. 'Just let me know if you want to leave at any point.'

I am grateful for her.

I nod.

The sun was lower in the sky now, heading down behind us. I look at Sutton who is sat next to me, but there are drinks and food between us. I ask. "Are you staying here this evening?"

"Er..." He glances at Fran who was the other side to me. "I don't think so, will probably have some food, chill and then head back."

Lottie lifts her head to see him. "You're going?"

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