The end of the last phase

Start from the beginning

"A message," E unfolded the paper with two hands and read it loud
"I'm in prison for a week. You can leave without me but know this; Norman knows about your plan. Everything,"

E stopped reading and looked at Ray, "someone is trending," he said

Ray sighed and walked up to his generator, "I don't care how I'm treated I just know I did the right thing,"

The red lady clapped her hands twice in E's face, "I'm going any message you want me to return or…"

"Tell Ria we already know. It's Ray and make sure she tells Norman we know who sold us out," Norman walked up to his generator and picked a hammer, "maybe someone's old boss who kick him out, sooner rather than later,"

"Alright," She pretends to walk towards the threshold then stops and turns, "if you're going out of here and it's legit, I want in,"

The boss walked up to her and held her on the shoulder < both shoulders > "you want in. You have your wish. Spread the rumors, tell every ear you got about our plan to get out. You have till dawn,"

"That's a job, but not a lot, knowing I met half the person's in heaven a day,"

"The best for the job," Mike said

E said, "you've been our Uber for this long, better at keeping secrets than some people," He turns around and looks at Ray, "you will be recommended for the internet,"


Z and Shes get really exhausted sitting behind the computer for three days straight, "everyone will switch for today," Officer Flynn says, "You have just eight hours to rest your head and your brains most importantly,"

"Take you, sir. We really need it," Z said,

Shae said "Speak for yourself I don't need it,"

"Yes you do," Holland grabs Shae by the shoulder, "you're the best and we know that. You don't need to show us anything. Not me, not anyone,"

"Thank you sir," Shae says looking up from where she was sitting, "I'll be in the locker room in case you need me.

All expert operatives had switched their positions with their apprentice. The rest standing behind the miniature screen were Officer Flynn, Capt. Holland, Agent Washburn [CIA operative] and Master Chief Jones, [Director Delta]

"There was war in heaven," Washburn says,

"The great war is scheduled for tomorrow dawn," Director Delta says

"The call it the Great Gnasty," Holland says


Ria has lost hope of her way out of heaven for as long as possible until she heard the door open up and it wasn't Norman with his two ass scary robots but Mrs. Peters along with Jnr.

"Hey, I don't understand how can you open the door," Ria woke up from the bed and asked surprisingly, "you can't override the passcode,"

"Nobody said I did anything," Jnr walks out behind the glass wall, "He did it,"

"You used his brains to rescue me why,"

"I'm tired of staying in one spot for years," She tells Ria, "we were meant to be productive, and sitting on one spot isn't productive,"

"I understand but you know how far mad Norman can get if he finds out you did this"

"I can't be locked up in the Prison of what someone thinks about me," she snorted, "I don't care if he's angry or happy. I care about one thing, my boy and his safety,"

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