"...Yes, that's right. And we're probably used to it by now." I exclaimed.

Well, It's true though, to all the gods including the archons that I had met centuries from the past. I had all befriended them before we decided to skip the formalities. Just liked me and Barbatos, our bond with each other are strong and pure. But to me and Morax, even we'd fought side by side, share some moments, and all the other things that made us close; we still didn't left our formalities towards eachother. Maybe it's because I respected him more than the others and that also goes for him by highly respecting me not just as a God, but as the Sustainer.

"Hey- look! It looks like the two of them are finally done, let's go!"

I simply nodded as she rushed towards them, leaving me behind. When I was about to follow them, the owner of the food stall tried to get my attention.

"You there, you're friends with that gentleman and that lady, yes?"

"Hmm? Oh yes, I am. Is something wrong?"

The owner nodded, "Of course there's definitely wrong when they didn't pay the food that they ordered! Hmph, such elegant clothings yet they can't afford to pay."

Wait what..?

Maybe Morax just forgot to pay this owner since he's talking nonstop with Ei. Well, in any case...

"Did they? Then please accept my apology on their behalf and how much was it?"

"98,000 mora."

"I see... Here you go."

After giving the owner the payment, I quickly followed them while still thinking about whether or not he really forgot to pay.

But it didn't stop there.

One shop after another, these two archons just ordered anything that they want and leave with no such awareness that the owners or the one managing the shops are shouting at them. As for me, I couldn't help but pay all the expenses that those two purchased since Morax just keep Ei's company as well as she didn't mind listening to his long listed words and sentences now that she's eating.

Now I'm starting to think on why did he even gave me a bag of mora as a gift when he can't even pay all this people.

Which reminds me, isn't this supposed to be a date for us? Hmm, but at the same time, Ei seems to be enjoying her time here and while looking up from the sky, I could already tell that it's now afternoon. It seems that time does fly fast.

I sighed and smiled a little before following them until Morax had finally finished his 'guide' for us but it seems that this is much more applicable for Ei and her alone.

"As much as I want to continue this conversation, me and the director had an appointment with a client this afternoon so director, can you head there first? I still need to say farewell to this two but it won't be long." He said as Hu Tao nodded and waved goodbye before leaving.

"...I'd heard that Inazuma were currently holding a festival, thus I'll be asking you both for your sudden visit here in Liyue if you may."

Me and Ei just looked at one another before shifting my own focused towards him.

"We decided to go here for our date since Miko had suggested that going here would be better instead of Inazuma since they already knew their own nation's archon. An addition to that is to let her see the new version of Liyue." I explained that causes him to stay silent for a while.

"A date you say? I remembered well that you two sometimes took the opportunity to go to Liyue as well as visiting the other nations to enhance your relationship. If you would explain things to me earlier then maybe I could leave you two from there to spend some alone time to one another." He exclaimed.

"Oh, no, I'm fine. I should be grateful that she enjoys eating those foods especially the new taste of sweets that she'd ate with the help of your suggestions."

"Furthermore, can I ask you one last time if there are any places that are somewhat... relaxing and breathtaking as well as just by having each others company?" I questioned him.

"Hmm..." He then thinks for a moment.

"Well, if you'd like to see Liyue's tourist spots, I have a few references. Though now that it's an early afternoon, I do have a place that what you'd called... Romantic."

I slightly nodded and smiled at him.

"That would be great."

He then began to explain the details and the paths towards this place until he's finished.

"Now it's time for us to depart, I'll be sure to remember this moment." He says and slowly turned around.

Before he could even take a step, I decided to speak a sudden disclosure that only he could understand on this current moment.

"...I hoped that we can talk sooner or later on a moonlight that illuminates the sea as well as standing by on a mountain with cold but gentle breeze while unfolding the dialogue of an old promises."

He stayed silent for a moment while I await for his answers.


He then walks away as I turned around and met with a confused look on her face.

"What's wrong Ei?"

"I don't know, your statement was rather... Unique if I must say." She says that made me laughed a bit.

"You know you're cute when you get confused liked that, Ei~ But I'll take it as a compliment."

"Anyway, now that we got the details of that location, let's go?" I asked while offering her my hand.


The Promise To Eternity (Ei[Raiden Shogun] x Fem Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now