
10:00 am
Andy boarded the bus with her moms. She sat down in the seats next to them. She sat alone. She would have normally sat with Theo, but not anymore. She couldn't just let her back into her life after what she did. Not yet at least.

In her street clothes, Chloe walked onto the bus. She noticed the majority of the team already in their seats. She saw Andy sitting alone. She walked up to her. "Is this seat taken?" She asked. Andy looked towards her and pulled her headphones off. She smiled and shook her head no. Chloe sat down. "Are you nervous?"

"Not really. I think I would be if I hadn't played in the group stage. I mean, yeah, of course, I'm nervous but not as much as I thought I'd be." Andy explained. Chloe smiled.

The bus arrived at the stadium and the team unloaded from the bus. They headed to the locker room and started preparing for the game.

11:37 am
Andy had her eyes closed and was listening to her music through her headphones when she felt a tap on her leg. She opened her eyes and saw her mom. She pulled her headphones off. "Hey, mom." She said.

"Hey. How're you feeling?" Tobin asked, sitting down.

"Good. Nervous." Andy replied.

"Well. I'd say there's nothing to be nervous about but we are in the Olympics. Big stage." Tobin said. Andy nodded. "Do you think you'll get to play today?" Tobin asked.

"No. I mean I'd like to but I want what's best for the team. If Jill thinks we could benefit from someone else going on over me, then that's what happens. All I want is for us to go on to the next round. Of course, I want to play, but what's best for the team comes first." Andy explained. Tobin smiled.

"Damn." Tobin said.

"What?" Andy asked.

"I think a lot of players would have said "yes. Of course. The team needs me. I'm an amazing player." I don't know how many players would have said what you just said." Tobin explained. Andy nodded. "Definitely not any men at least." Andy chuckled. "Well. Finish getting ready. We head out to warm up soon." Tobin said. She got up and headed back to finish getting ready herself. Andy put her headphones back on and finished getting ready.

Jill called the team to head out to warmups in the next few minutes.

This game felt different to Andy. She'd played in the group stages, but as she walked out of the tunnel to warm up, she noticed the stadium around her. Tobin and Alex walked next to her and watched her reaction. She looked at the thousands of people already in the stadium. She heard people screaming and saw people pointing as the team came onto the field. She felt a nudge on her side. She turned to look at Tobin. Tobin didn't say anything. She just smiled. Andy smiled back.

The Morgan-Heath family stood at the edge of the field and linked arms. They jumped together and ran forward, continuing their adapted tradition.


The teams lined up in the tunnel. When everyone was ready, they walked out of the tunnel. The stadiums' cheers were defining. Andy watched with the subs from the sidelines as the teams came out. She watched her moms' stoic expressions.

The teams were standing in front of the benches. The national anthems were sung. And the teams were now in their starting positions awaiting the whistle.

When the whistle blew, Andy's stomach twisted into knots. She took a deep breath. We've got this. She thought to herself.


In the 23rd minute, Kristie Mewis stole the ball and passed it over to her sister, Sam. Sam passed it up to Press. Press took the ball up the sidelines and weaved through players.  With Tobin and Alex getting into position in the box, Press lofted the ball up. It sailed over everyone's heads but Tobin was able to collect it on the other end. It was Tobin's turn to work her magic.

The Netherlands defender tried her best to guard Tobin. Tobin tapped the ball through the defender's legs and ran around her. With Alex at the top of the box, Press on the side, Kristie near Alex, and Sam near Tobin as backup, she lofted the ball into the box. Alex got her head on it but the keeper tapped it away. However, she tapped it towards Press. Christen looked up. She moved the ball to her left foot and pulled her leg back. She shot the ball and it hit the back of the net. The USA fans in the stadium erupted. The USA celebrated Christen's goal before heading back to their positions.

The United States lead the Netherlands 1-0 in the 23rd minute.


After halftime, the game seemed to go by slowly for the players on the sidelines. It seemed as if every second was a minute and every minute was 10. Andy sat with her hands on the back of her head. She seemed like she was relaxed but she was far from it.

The clock finally hit 60 minutes and Jill started making subs. Pinoe in for Tobin and Rose in for Alex. The United States still led 1-0 but it wasn't comfortable. The Netherlands had many opportunities to tie up the score and didn't look like they were backing down yet. In the 65th minute, Jill was making her last sub.

"Andy!" Jill said. Andy snapped her head towards her. She got up and headed to Jill. "Ok. You're going in for Pressy. Don't be nervous. Stay calm and play your game." Jill said. Andy nodded. "Ok. So here's what I want you to do..."

Tobin and Alex sat next to each other and watched as Andy talked to Jill. "Do you think she'll be ok?" Alex asked. Tobin nodded.

"Yeah. She'll be fine." Tobin said. Andy pulled off her pinnie and unzipped her warmup, tossing them aside. Tobin looked at the name on the back of Andy's jersey.


"Hey, babe?" Tobin asked. Alex looked at her fiancé. "I know this probably isn't the best time to ask this, but, what would you think if we asked the coaches to put "Morgan-Heath" on the back of our jerseys?" Alex turned towards her. She smiled.

"I love it, babe. Let's do it." Alex said. Tobin smiled and they watched as the fourth official held up the board. Andy's number and Christen's number lit up.

Andy and Christen hugged and Andy ran onto the field. She directed her team as she remembered what Jill told her.

The game started up again.


So far, in the 79th minute, nothing was happening but Andy was doing great. Kristie took the ball away once again and passed it over to Lindsey. Lindsey passed it up to Pinoe. Pinoe took off down the sidelines and Rose and Andy followed in their positions.

Pinoe lofted the ball up after beating her defender. Andy collected it and sent it up to Rose who was at the top of the box. Rose pulled it back and moved the ball to her left foot. She took the shot and the ball soared into the goal. The stadium erupted. Andy ran towards Rose and Rose jumped into her arms. The team collided into them and they celebrated their second goal of the game.

The United States now led the Netherlands 2-0 in the 80th minute.


10 minutes and 3 added minutes later, the final whistle blew. Andy flexed her arms inwards and pumped her muscles. She yelled loudly as the stadium erupted. Tobin ran towards her daughter and collided into her. Andy hugged her mom and smiled brightly.

Alex joined them soon and the three walked off the pitch together. A picture of them would surface soon after. It was the Morgan-Heath family from behind, their names on the jerseys the only thing telling who the players were. Alex was on the left, Andy in the middle, and Tobin on the right.

Morgan. Morgan-Heath. Heath.

This would be one of the last pictures that would be taken of Tobin and Alex wearing "Morgan" and "Heath" on the back of their jerseys.


Sweden would knock out Germany 1-0 and advance to the next round. The United States would knock out the Netherlands 2-0 and advance to the next round.

The next games were:

Canada vs Japan
United States vs Sweden

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