(Y/n) wondered why he suddenly stopped and followed his gaze, "Oh, don't worry about it. It's nothing."

Yunxiang frowned at her when she moved it behind her back, trying to hide it from him. She smiled at him, to reassure him, but it didn't stop the feeling of guilt that crept through. He should have protected her, what kind of boyfriend was he if he couldn't even do that! Now he understood why Junzhu was harsher with him earlier.

(Y/n) could see the guilt on his face and cupped his cheek with her hand, making sure he was looking into her eyes. She smiled, "Yunxiang, I'm fine. Honestly."

Yunxiang couldn't fully believe her, but nodded to make her feel better. He cupped her face with one of his hands and wrapped the other around her waist, pressing his forehead to hers. Both of them closing their eyes and enjoying the moment and both feeling relieved.


The two pulled away at the voice and blushed when they saw Junzhu looking at them, trying to hide her smile. She may not like him, but she saw how happy he made her sister.

That's when Yunxiang remembered the other reason he was there and turned to (Y/n), "Where's Kasha?"

He grew nervous when (Y/n)'s smile dropped to a sad frown and her eyes avoided his. He looked at the door she just came through and opened it. He gasped when he saw Kasha lying in a bed unconscious. But what broke his heart was when he saw her left leg, from the knee down, was gone.

(Y/n) moved to stand next to Yunxiang, both of them looking at Kasha sadly, tears in their eyes. Yunxiang reached over and held (Y/n)'s hand, needing reassurance that she was okay.

Junzhu looked between the two, feeling sorry for them. At first she was mad at Yunxiang for allowing her sister to get hurt, but now she just felt sorry for him. She tried to comfort her sister when she was first told about Kasha's condition, it hurt her to see her sister cry so much. "I'm truly sorry, but we couldn't save her leg. I'm afraid she's still not out of danger." She stopped when she heard sobs coming from the both of them.

After getting properly dressed, Yunxiang and (Y/n) left the hospital, (Y/n)'s hand tightly held in his. Yunxiang's sadness turned to pure rage at the heir of the De Clan.

The sound of screeching tyres alerted them of an oncoming car. Yunxiang sighed at the sight of the familiar small green car. 'Donghai Audit' written on the side. The door burst open and Jinxiang jumped out, shocked at seeing Yunxiang out of bed, "What are you doing up?" He went closer to his brother and furrowed his brow when he noticed all his wounds were already healed, "Why do you look better?"

"Are you doing alright, (Y/n)?" Jinxiang asked the girl, who nodded back. Yunxiang's face soured when he looked at her wrist and forehead, feeling the anger build up again.

"How's Kasha?"

"Kasha." Yunxiang growled out, anger evident in his voice. He was going to make him pay for hurting people he cares about.

The three looked out when they heard the sound of more cars approaching. Yunxiang's face hardened when he saw familiar styled expensive cars. There were six cars and one truck with a logo Jinxiang instantly recognised, "The De Clan?"

All the doors to the cars opened and familiar suited men with masks scrambled out and stood in two lines, facing each other. An even fancier car, with a golden dragon hood ornament, stopped at the end. Jinxiang watched on nervously and Yunxiang gently pushed (Y/n) behind him protectively.

The passenger door opened and Yaksha stepped out, straightening his vest before opening the back door. An older man stepped out, a black blazer sat on his shoulders, a black fedora hat and a posh black suit. As he walked towards them they could hear the clacking of his golden dragon cane.

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