C.S || Matching Tattoos

Start from the beginning

     "Stop stealing him!" he spat as he pulled Meira away from San.

     "Yah!" she whined, "he is my boyfriend!"

     "Yeah?" Wooyoung provoked before pushing the girl to the ground to fall on her bum with a thud.

     "Hey!" San tried to interfere as he bent down to help Meira up, but what happened has happened by then. She pushed him away to look Wooyoung dead in the eye.

     "Hey!" Meira yelled, tears blurring her vision, "It hurts, you asshole! I'll tell mom on you!" she threatened before allowing San to help her up. She could hear him sigh as he dusted her skirt.

     "What will you tell her?" Wooyoung laughed which only fuelled her rage further.

     "Let's cross the road," San stepped in between the siblings before things escalated, "my car is on the other side."

     "No!" Meira whined as she stomped her feet, "San-ah, tell him off!"

     "He is not your mom!" Wooyoung scoffed as he looked at her smugly.

     "He is not your boyfriend!" Meira argued back bitterly.

     San suddenly remembered why they stopped drinking together often.

     "Oh, but we have matching tattoos, you don't!" Wooyoung countered as he rolled his arms over his chest with a huff of pride.

     Meira was about to spit back a roast, but she stopped to look at San with confusion and underlying pain, "w-why don't we have matching tattoos?" she cried out suddenly, finally letting the tears that filled up her eyes cascade.

     "N-no, Mei, don't cry," San came closer and tried to wipe away her tears. Wooyoung was laughing in the background as usual.

     "I-I met you first!" she cried, "why does he get to match with you!"

     "Because I'm special!" Wooyoung sang in the background, and she had it with him. That is it, she decided.

     Meira yelled out a sound akin to a bark before running after him down the road.

     "Wait up!" They could hear San yell behind them, but Meira couldn't care less. Her mision right now was to capture and beat up her jerk of a brother.

     Eventually, their initially wobbly legs give up on them, and while Meira does end up capturing him, they both fall to the ground with a thud.

      "I hate you," she spat out as more tears stream down her cheeks.

     "I hate you, too," Wooyoung says before picking himself up. He bends down and taps his shoulder. "Hop on." Meira kicks him away at first but end up accepting the offer she clearly needed.

      The two siblings eventually find a very unhappy San tsking at them as he came closer.

     "Why am I even involved in this crazy family," he muttered.

     "Crazy?" Wooyoung scoffs.

      "You can't back out now," Meira teases, "you have matching tattoos with Woo for life!" Wooyoung laughs. San sighed, when they finally agree on something, it's always him who has to pay.

     "Here, I'll carry her," San offers and Wooyoung was about to hand her over before he stopped.

     "I have this odd feeling that she is going to puke, proceed at your own risk," he warned making her groan before she hopped off him herself.

     "Shut up, idiot," she mumbles before walking into San's arms.

     They finally cross the road, and get into the car. If Wooyoung and Meira had any energy left, they would've fought over the front seat, but Wooyoung just let her have it as he took the 3 back seats as a bed for himself.

     After a while on the road, the couple—the actual couple— could already hear Wooyoung snore. San scoffed and turned to Meira, but she was barely keeping her own eyes opened. He giggled, "you two are the same."

     "Aye," she warned mid-sleep.

     "Alright, alright," he surrendered before looking at the man dozing off in the back seat quickly. "Wake him up, we are about to reach his apartment complex."

      With the headache brewing in her head, she threw her purse at his stomach to wake him up. "Woo, come on, we're here." The guy grunts in dismay.

     Once San stops the car, Wooyoung steps out lazily, and Meira opened the door to leave too, but his hand holds her back.

     "Where are you going?" he asks with a laugh. Meira frowns, and he laughs harder before pulling her back in. "We live together, remember?"

     "Oh," she let out, "we do." She smiles before opening the window. "Wooyoung!" She yells at the man walking away and he groans back. "You might have matching tattoos, but I live with him!" Meira boasts out loudly, and San has to pull her back before she comes tumbling out of the window.

      "Good for you," they hear Wooyoung yell back before going into his building. Meira laughs to herself in victory, and San looks at her then laughs too.

     "Gosh, what will I do with you?" San sighed.

     "I don't know, but you should've figured that out by now," Meira muttered as she tried to find a comfortable way of sitting so she could doze off for the rest of the ride.

     "I don't think I ever will."

This was initially first person pov, but then I changed it so cut me some slack 😂😂

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