Sorry To Interrupt

Start from the beginning

Sal's POV: I smiled to see that he would be here soon. I stepped out of the restroom and walked back into Larry's room. "Hey Larry, Travis said he'd be here later." I stretched my arms into the air. I looked over at Larry as he lays with an open comic book sitting on his face. "Sally Face, can I tell you something" Larry chimed as I was still looking at him. "Go ahead Larry" I sat down on the floor with him. "I hate myself. I hate who I am now." I looked at him, confusion painting my face. "Travis has raised and watch Matthew since they were born. Travis, he was emotionally blacked mailed by his family and the church. And he was religiously abused too. His dad would shame him if he so as much stepped out of the straight line standards by one inch. I sat back and watch it all unravel right in front of me. But I left him when we were 14. I turned a blind eye. I was cold towards him. And I treated him like I hated him. Every time I see him I feel that guilt and I get angry. And about two months after Ivory left Travis was fed up and sick of me, and he just snapped. We started fighting and he beat my ass. Humiliated me in front of everyone, and everyone thought I was a monster but I wasn't going to have that as my title. I turned everyone against him, and I mean everyone against him. That's why no one likes him. But I was still so upset. I still like him. I don't hate him, I never have."

Larry looked me dead in the eyes and sighed. "I'm the reason his is the way he is. I'm the reason he treated you and ash, and everyone the what he has. He used to be my best friend, he was like how I am to you. We were so close and I just cut him off. And I'm sorry. I hate that you went through that because of me." I was looking at him in the eyes. He seemed absolutely shattered. "Larry, we all do something that we aren't proud of because we feel like me have to. We get angry and we do stuff that we regret. And it takes a long time to get the courage to apologize. And I am proud that your apologizing and telling me this, but you need to apologize to Travis. I think you both owe each other an apology." He broke our contact and looked down. He nodded, "I will. I'll apologize whenever I get the chance."

I smiled and laid down beside him. "Good job Larry, your brave to apologize." Larry smiled and nudged me. "Let's go smoke at the tree house. I know you don't like weed but imma still offer." I smiled and sat up "Let's go!" I swung up and grabbed my pocket knife and zippo. Larry quickly dragged his ass up and slipped on a sweater and sneakers. We walked out and into the tree house. We got comfortable and we lit a blunt. I was hesitant but I grabbed the blunt. "Okay Sally face, you need to take it slow okay? I don't want you to burn your throat or any dumb shi-" I just rolled my eyes and took a long hard hit. Held it in for ten seconds and blew it off, coughing a little. "Don't worry flamer, I know how to smoke."

Larry nudged me and took the blunt. "I've never seen nor knew you smoked weed. So I just wanted to make sure you don't choke up." I smiled and looked over at him. "Aww you care~" Larry flipped me off and I snickered. "So I have a question," I said kind of looking away. "What's up Sal?" "What was Travis like when he was younger?" Larry passed the blunt back as he looked up and thought. "He was a brave one, always working hard, helped everyone. He was just a sweet kid. But then when he was six a lot of the problems started. He matured. He was still nice and kind. But you could tell something was wrong. Over the years the idea of something being wrong faded. He just seemed like a happy kid. But both him and I spiraled. We smoke, we both have fucked up pasts, shitty lives. His is worse tho. I'm not saying mine just doesn't matter. Because it does fucking matter, it's just nothing compared to his trauma. "

I looked away and nodded as I took three large hits. I grabbed a cassette tape from a small bin that we had and put it into my recorder. I passed the blunt back to Larry and I rummaged through the bin for headphones. I found a pair and plugged them in. "Hey Sal, I just realized I haven't seen Salvis in a while, you think something happened to little dude?" I froze and looked up. "He moved outta town, family emergency" I offered him one of the ear prices as I shoved mine in my ear. He took it and nodded. "The kid looked a lot like Travis, I mean similar name too Salivs. That's similar." I felt my heart sink as he thought it out. "Fucking shit. They were related. I bet you they were. Ahhh that's it. It all makes sense now," Oh shit I forgot- He's a dumbass

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