I look at up at him to find him staring at me with an intense look that screams sexy, causing me to gulp again. I feel dehydrated.

"Who said you can leave?" He asked in his husky voice and I almost fall weak on my knees. Thank God for his tight hold or I would've face planted myself on the floor by now.

"My job here is done." I told him looking down and he removed his hands from my side leaving me cold. I get a little away from him and steady myself to look at him properly, waiting for an answer I shouldn't really care about. But who cares what I care about anyways?

"Help me out of this shirt." He isn't requesting, suggesting or asking. He is commanding.

See, I can say no and run outside and I know he won't follow but after all the tortures I've endured and will be enduring in future, I deserve good things in life too, like getting a look at his well built upper body. I might sound like a horny teenager but I've been in control for way too long and after being wrapped in his arms in this cold shower, I feel like my brain has frozen. It's not my fault.

I maintain an eye contact and turn the shower off causing him to raise his eyebrows.

"We have already wasted enough water." I told him and saw his lips twitch the tiniest bit. Back to getting no smiles from him, damn!

"It's sticking." My eyes widen at his words. "My shirt." He clarifies causing me to look around in embarrassment.

Get a grip Nandu!

I clear my throat before reaching out for his buttons. I'm absolutely not freaking out and second guessing my decision to stay. If I run, will he torture me for it? He probably will, why risk it? It's just a shirt and I have seen enough naked chests of men in movies.

Taking a deep breath and shivering a bit because the cold shower's coldness is finally getting to me, I unbuttoned his  shirt. He looked at me the entire time, making me conscious when he is the one getting half naked in front of his... wife.

I try my best not to touch his bare chest while doing my job but how can I avoid it completely? My fingers brush against his abs and I feel another shiver run down my spine. I look up at him to find him to still staring at me and his sharp gaze makes my throat feel dry.

Gulping again, I get the job done and move away from him like he has some contagious disease which spreads via touch.

"I should go now." I don't know why I'm whispering, I don't know why I'm telling him and I don't know why I'm not running away either but my feet feels like it has frozen along with my brain.

"You just unbuttoned it, take it off as well." He commands again and I take a step towards him again, without thinking.

I hold his collars and take the shirt off revealing his naked upper body to me and damn me if I thought I could resist this. His well built chest and abs make my hands itch but I go behind him to take this off completely.  His muscles flex as I take the shirt completely off and I hold back a sigh. I wanna drop this and run away but I stand firm and he turns to look at me.

Our gaze locks and I know I'm not getting out of here this easily. He takes a step towards me and I take a step back.

"Are you cold?" He asks and I wanna tell him I'm just numb and probably in awe of his body as well but that'll be too embarrassing. It's not like I haven't felt physically attracted to him ever, but it had never been to this extent. As much as I had denied it when I first saw him and tried to focus on the compliments he gave me for my work, I couldn't deny that he is indeed an attractive man.

But his personality sucks, hence my attraction died down as soon as he began. But right now, I feel a little too attracted to him for my comfort and I look down trying to steady myself.

May be it's his sweet words from earlier or the shower that has froze my brain but I really can't think straight right now.

"I asked if you are cold." He repeated the question I had completely forgot about and I looked up at him again. Big mistake cause he genuinely looks concerned and I feel my self control slipping away.

"Yeah, I should leave and change." I tell him honestly though don't try to make a move at all. Staring at him and I find him looking down at me and a sudden self consciousness runs in me.

I clear my throat, finally trying to move away but he holds my wrist and stops me on the spot.

"You should've come to the party with me." He told me and I looked at him with curiosity at the sudden change of the subject. But I shouldn't be surprised cause with him, everything is sudden and unexpected.

"I figured. I'll make sure to join you as your secretary from the next time." I assure him and he looked at me like he wants to make me take my words back.

"Hmm. Leave." He leaves my hand and I look at him in disbelief.  He is unbelievable and his mood swings can give competition to a pregnant woman's and he'll win it.

"Right." I tell him tearing my gaze away from him and leaving the shower section. As I reach the bathroom door, I look back at him to find him already looking at me.

"Try not to pass out and drown yourself." I tell him before shutting the bathroom door and leaving a heavy breath I didn't know I was holding.

Manik Malhotra and his infamous moods. I grab some clothes from the closet and head to another room to take a shower and change.

After getting down with my business, I was about to head out of this guest room when the view from the window changed my mind. I went closer to find Natasha sitting in a chair in the garden with her cellphone in her hand. Does this woman not sleep?

I was about to leave when I saw Mr. Malhotra joining her and taking a seat in front of her. He offered her a coffee mug and she looked at him in surprise. I couldn't hear what they were talking about and it made me uneasy eventhough it's none of my business. Not willing to wait and watch them making out or something, I decide to head back to my room and sleep instead.

Everyday is a struggle in this house and I need to find a way to make all of this end.


Long time no see. I'm sorry 🥺

I can't really justify but life changes and so do we. Thank you for reading if you did, I love you❤️

Take care of yourself and hopefully you liked the chapter.


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