"Most?" (Y/n) noticed, still unsure. Hell, she hadn't even still digested the fact that the Hokage himself was asking her to be a freaking sensei. Hiruzen sighed, exhaling more smoke. 

"As I said... some ninja are demoted. They will as well need to take your classes"

"What if they don't want to do what I say? Even if most of them do... I won't be able to do anything if a jonin, chunin, or probably even genin challenges me" Hiruzen pursed his lips together, his face taking up a more serious expression. 

"During your first week you'll have assistants, you don't have to worry," he said. But it only made her more insecure. How was she even supposed to have help from jonin? 'They'll hate helping me' she couldn't help but think, assuming they would as well not want to work alongisde her, or work for someone who isn't even a genin. It sounded stupid "After that, you'll still have a jonin with you to help you. The group of students can be... large" (Y/n) gulped, but she didn't know if she could refuse. 

"Do I have to?" she asked after minutes of thinking. The Hokage took his time to answer too.

"No," he answered, although he didn't do it kindly "But I talked with Kurva. You won't need to work with her anymore, and you will be payed the same amount"

She bit her lip. Now that she knew she wasn't forced to, and therefore thought of declining his offer, she couldn't help but feel wrong. Surely, the thought of teaching someone how to steal, of being a 'sensei', scared her. But she couldn't help but think as if that was a step forward in her life. A great opportunity that she should not let go. 

"If I accept... when will I start?" 

And that is how (Y/n) ended up in the training grounds without being chased by an angry Anbu who she had stolen from, or without being kicked out by another Anbu. Because, this time, she was there to teach ninja how to steal, to teach ninja how to do the things she used to get told off by ninja as well. Damn, life could sometimes be funny. 

She swallowed, getting more nervous the closer she was to the agreed place. Until she found a jonin waiting for her. She had long black hair and nothing else that was remarkable, besides her ninja headband and jonin outfit. She didn't seem too old, perhaps a few years older than Kakashi. It somehow made her feel less jittery. She smiled at (Y/n). 

"You're (Y/n), right?" she asked, making her nod "Don't worry, you'll see it's quite easy," 

"Are you a sensei too?" (Y/n) asked, getting rid of the lump in her throat while she followed the woman. She nodded her head. 

"I've been for five years. I'm Yumeko, by the way" she introduced herself. (Y/n) breathed out, relieved and getting somewhat comfroted by her nice words and experience. Although her relief lasted short when she saw how many people, dressed in ninja clothes were there as her 'students'. She got nervous again when she saw that at least half of them were older than her. However, as much nervous as she was, her gaze locked onto a silver-haired farther from the group.  

Innevitably, her eyes were drawn to the owner, Kakashi, and they moved even quicker to the girl she was with: Alyss. They were far away from the group, as if they just happened to be there, but (Y/n) couldn't help staring at them even if she had previously been worrying about something else. 

They were too far to be able to listen to what they were saying, and although she coudn't even imagine what would they be talking about, she could see she had nothing to worry about. Firstly, because she knew Kakashi hated her sister almost as much as she did, but also because of how they looked. Or well, how Alyss looked. 

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