"Well I wanted you to see where I usually go after school." Momo frowned, crossing her arms as the boy nodded apologetically. She took his hand and led him out the big wooden doors, then onto a dirt trail that led to several stalls. Each of these stalls contained a metal turnstile (that rotating metal thing you usually see at subways and theme parks) that turned when you swiped a credit card.

"So much for olden." The greenette chuckled, inspecting the card reader thoroughly, Momo shaking her head.

"Well when you run a business, you need a few upgrades to keep up."

"True. And you come here for free?"

Momo, who was visibly flustered by the question, quickly punched him in the arm and shook her head wildly. "NO, I PAY THE FULL PRICE! EACH AND EVERY TIME!"

Izuku was absolutely terrified at the sudden change of mood from the latter, who huffed and turned her head with a pout. "Why are you so angry?!"

"It irks me when people say these things like I'm ruining the economy or something."

"What?" Midoriya asked, completely dumbfounded, before her statement started to make a little more sense. Since she's a creation quirk user, she can make literally anything in the world. Thus meaning she didn't have to pay for things. "Ohhh wait, I get it. Like back in Kamino when you lost your mind after Todoroki said you could just make us disguises."

"Yes! Finally, someone understands. People tell me that type of thing all the time and I always give them the same answer. Is it so hard to interpret?"

"A little, yes." Izuku scratched his cheek, before turning towards the archery lanes. There were about a dozen or so, and almost all of them were occupied, as arrows soared through the air, some hitting their targets, others missing. There were mostly kids and teenagers present, with the occasional adult here and there. "Is it always so busy?"

"This is pretty slow for a usual day. It gets packed at around three, which is when most of these kids get off school. My grandfather usually reserves a spot here at the range." Momo said, pulling Izuku towards a bench as they watched people shoot their bows.

"Are you good at archery?"

"I'd like to think so. My Grampa is a really good teacher. He taught my father, who's known to be one of the best archers in the world." Yaoyorozu sighed, placing a hand on her cheek.

"You don't seem so adamant bringing your father up."

Falling into a staring spell with one of the archery targets, Momo thought about her dad for a moment. He was a good person, yet... was never there for her or her mother. Well, he was off making money through his support item company, while her and her mom stayed at home reaping the benefits.

"It's complicated."

"I see."

The pair sat in silence, listening to the excited yells of the children and adults who would hit their targets. There were several adults talking around them, as well as Luna running around like the excited pup she was.

Izuku suddenly felt a chill go down his back, as he trembled and looked to his sides. Something grabbed his shoulder tightly, and a huge sound resonated through the archery range.


"AAAAHHHH!" Izuku went flying towards the range, and the fact that he could jump so high marveled everyone that had stopped and turned towards the flying teenager. Momo worriedly watch the boy land on top of one of the stalls with a loud thump, completely out cold.

"HAHAHA! WOW THAT WAS EASY!" A hoarse male voice hollered, a figure sitting beside Momo.

"WHY?! Why would you do that to him you old bum!" Momo tried to be angry, but ended up trying to stifle a giggle as her grandfather laughed.

Momo, Love is Always War! (Izuku x Momo)Where stories live. Discover now