"I can get her." He says nodding his head.

"You can sit this one out, Mr. True Alpha, I'll go. And besides, the loft's closer anyway."

"What are you doing?" Stiles asks, glancing between the two of us.

"I think saving your best friend during a thunderstorm is written somewhere in the friendship agreement." 

"Let me guess, it has something to do with your motorbike?" 

"You're a genius, Stiles." I gasp before beginning to walk towards the door. "I'll meet you guys at the school."

"Nina wait," Scott calls, catching up to me. "Be careful."

"Aren't I always?" I smile before connecting our lips briefly. "I'll meet you there."

After running through Beacon Hills in the middle of a raging storm, I finally make it to the loft

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After running through Beacon Hills in the middle of a raging storm, I finally make it to the loft. As soon as I slide open the door, the familiar feeling hits me immediately. I take a step inside and glance around the dark walls, and creaking floors. I don't think I'll ever get used to this feeling. 

I take a deep breath before rushing over to the bed in the corner of the room. Ever since Derek left, I've taken residency on the lower floor. I hardly ever go upstairs anymore. It feels too quiet and eerie there now. I don't know how I felt comfortable living there before.

I pick my helmet up from the bed before going to grab the spare one off the table when a bright light fills the loft. I shriek dropping the helmet to the floor as the bang follows soon after.

"Stupid storm," I mutter, placing my hand against my racing heart. I reach down to grab my helmet off the floor as well as the spare one. I make my way hastily toward the door hoping for no more sudden bangs. Before opening it, my gaze travels to the clock on the wall. I frown. 


I watch as the second-hand jumps up and down in a rhythmic movement. Not moving on at all. The clock must've stopped. I decide to brush it off and turn back toward the door when another sound echoes through the loft. This time it has nothing to do with mother nature. I jump in my spot dropping the helmets again. I'm really testing their durability today. 

To my utmost annoyance, one of the helmets rolls down the steps toward the noise. Damn. I take a deep breath before slowly making my way toward the noise. I don't hear any heart beat so that's at least comforting but I still can't stop my own heart from racing in my chest. 

My hand hovers over the light switch before I flick it on. The kitchen light blinks to life to reveal the fridge magnets lying on the floor. I scan the whole area before picking up one red magnet and putting it back against the fridge. But it doesn't stick. I try the other ones but still nothing.

"What the hell is wrong with my magnets?" I check the back of one but nothing looks wrong. Maybe they're broken? As soon as the thought crosses my mind, I know it's stupid. Magnets don't just lose their magnetism like that. 

I am the Enemy  ~ S.M [3]Where stories live. Discover now