Chapter 1 |:| First impressions

Start from the beginning

"What? Why? I was going to-"

"It wasnt a request Y/n" A hint of irritation in his usually friendly voice.

"...okay" you grumbled, not wanting to cause an argument.

"Thank you sweetie~"


After putting your dishes in the sink, grabbing a few bowls of pokemon food (and almost tripping over Leafeon) you went out the back door, not caring that your hair was un-brushed and you were still in the clothes you slept in. You just wanted to get this over with so you could get on with your day.

Taking in a deep breath of fresh morning air, you made your way through the heavily vegitated backyard. Ever since your father retired early, he had put all his time and effort into caring for his pokemon and gardening.

Not that you were complaining, the backyard was gorgeous. Filled with bright green vegetation and big vibrant flowers, complete with a little stone path leading down to a small, but deep pool.

Looking around, you realized that none of your dads pokemon were here, meaning that you would have to search for them.

With a groan, you stopped at the pools edge. The sun reflecting brightly off the water's surface, and blocking your view of whatever lurked inside.

"Uh, hello? Are you in there?" You called out timidly, unsure if you were talking to yourself, or if there was a pokemon under the ripples.

"...Bowser?" You tried, hoping that your dads pokemon would respond to its nickame.

The pools surface went completely still, lacking of any movement. But just as you were about to leave-




You screamed and nearly dropped the bowls of pokemon food. A huge turtle pokemon breached the water's surface. Causing a giant wave to wash over you, thoroughly soaking your clothes, and the pokemon food.

"Blastoise!" You scolded, glaring at the big blue pokemon.

It gave you a mischievous, but apologetic grin, before hauling itself out of the pool, grabbing you by the waist with its big, slimy, cold wet claws and pulling you upright.

Shoving its bowl into its face, you grumbled, "Next time can you get up without soaking me?"

"blaaaah" it rumbled, taking its bowl gently and returning into its pool, floating on its back and hoovering down its food.

You took this time to glance over its body, searching for the small, leech-like Tynamo but seeing nothing.

"One down...five more to go"


Luckily, Leafeon and Cinccino werent hard to find. Leafeon was sunbathing under a window and Cinccino hadnt moved from its perch on the stairs, so giving them their food wasnt nearly as difficult, or as wet as feeding Blastoise.

Moving on, you stepped into the livingroom, still leaving wet footprints where ever you went, and stared at the big black and brown lump that hogged the couch. Complete with his luscious red and yellow mane.

"Pyroar...youre getting fur all over the couch again" you complained, setting his food down beside him.

Opening one of his eyes to look at you, he didnt even bother responding as he shoved his muzzle into his food.

💫💞𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝐶𝑢𝑡𝑒💞💫 |:| Leon X Reader |:| PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now