JJ shakes his head. "You should've said something, we could've merged our styles together."

Pope waves him off. "No no, really, it's okay. I kind of like going on a different route than what I'm used to."

Suddenly, the front door slams open and Pope watches as JJ's demeanour completely crumbles. He turns towards the doorway, hands shaking and the paintbrush dropping from his grip, before slumping and letting out a deep breath at the sound of high pitched giggles wafting through the air. "JJ!" A young girl screeches, running at full speed towards JJ.

JJ catches her with ease, holding her close and kissing her cheek. "What are you doing here, you're meant to be at grandma's." JJ says.

"They missed their big brother."

Looking over to the doorway, Pope takes in an elderly woman with a little boy on her hip, sucking his thumb and hiding his face against her shoulder. Pope then shifts his gaze towards JJ, watching as he rises to his feet and hugs her close, kissing his brother's temple. Whispers are said between them, and Pope smiles at the little girl eyeing him suspiciously. "Who are you?" she asks, screwing her eyebrows together cutely in an attempt to seem intimidating.

"I'm Pope." Pope replies, lending out his hand for her to shake. "I'm JJ's partner for an art project."

She shakes it after a few seconds of standing and watching, smiling small at him before running to JJ's side and nuzzling her face into his hip, holding on tight. Pope smiles. That's too cute.

"Please think more about my offer." Pope hears the woman say, cupping JJ's cheek with a sad smile on her lips. "I hate leaving you here."

JJ shakes his head, kissing his grandmother's cheek. "I'm okay. Now, as for you two." JJ turns and lifts his sister into his arms, resting her on his hip easily. "You need to go back to grandma's, okay?"

"But I wanna be wit you." The girl whines, pouting.

"I'll be there later tonight just in time to tuck you into bed."

"You promise?"

JJ smiles. "I promise."

With a kiss each to their cheeks, JJ waves the three family members off before taking his seat once more and picking up his paintbrush. "Sorry." He mumbles, running a hand through his hair. "I thought they would be okay till I got there later tonight."

"It's okay." Pope assures him. "No need to apologise, I don't mind having them around if that would make it easier for you?"

JJ shakes his head. "No, it's okay, I wouldn't want them to bother you."

Pope smiles small. "Okay, but the offer still stands. Whatever you want to do, there's no pressure."

JJ thanks him quietly before getting right back to work, refusing to catch popes gaze, and Pope doesn't make him look up, just silently watches him with a frown on his lips. JJ had looked so terrified when his family members had arrived, as though he feared something was going to happen or someone who was not meant to be there had shown up. It made Pope's heart hurt, especially with how hesitant his younger sister had been around Pope. Most kids were eager to meet new people, but she had seemed terrified also. Was what Kiara had said true? Was JJ's father an alcoholic? Maybe even abusive?

God. Pope thinks to himself. I just want to give him a hug.

JJ's phone pings suddenly, and he is quick to pick it up and read over the message, letting out a small sigh.

"Everything okay?" Pope asks, tilting his head.

"Oh, yeah," JJ waves him off, turning off his phone. "It's just my boyfriend asking to facetime."

Pope's face falls. "Oh."

After an hour of work, the pair had gotten the first layer of paint down and decided to call it a night. JJ was eager to get going, and Pope was more than happy to leave it at that. "Next time, do you want to come round to mine?" Pope asks when he's standing on the grass, waiting for JJ to lock up the door. "You can bring your siblings too?"

"Uh, sure, but.. Do you really want them there?" Replies JJ, hopping off the concrete ledge. "We might not get much work done."

"That's okay, kids will be kids, I'm all good with just doing whatever."

JJ smiles small. "Okay. Thank you. I'll text you later, work putting out the schedule tonight so I'll let you know the next day that I'm free."

Nodding, Pope gives a thumbs up. "Sounds good. I'll see you later."


The ride home wasn't too long, and when he arrives, he finds his parents still working. He tries to give them a hand, but they shoo him away to go lay down, claiming he helped them enough already. Entering the warm home, Pope kicks off his shoes and jogs up the stairs, throwing open his bedroom door and flopping face first onto his bed. "Ugh." He groans, scrubbing a hand down his face. "I need a shower."

"Did you seriously not see me?" A familiar voice sounds.

Jumping, Pope throws a pillow at Cleo's face with another groan. "Jesus, Cleo."

Cleo laughs. "So.. was there anything there?" Questions Cleo, leaning themselves up against the doorframe of Pope's bedroom.

Chewing at the inside of his cheek, Pope shakes his head. "No.. he's in love with someone else. And believe me, I'm happy for him, truly, but.."


Letting out a deep set sigh, Pope drags a hand down his face. "I want that. I want him and I wish he'd open up his eyes and realise that there are better people out there for him, even if it isn't me." Whispers Pope, his voice cracking with great intensity, his lower lip wobbling. "I don't want want to have to keep watching him get hurt."

Pushing off the doorframe, Cleo seats themselves down beside Pope, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "I know, man."


"C'mon, babe." Groans the voice, their eyes rolling with irritation. "Just send some pics."

Chewing at the inside of his cheek, JJ shakes his head. "Topper, I can't.. My siblings are right next to me."

"Then go to the bathroom."

JJ drags a hand down his face, giving in and slowly sneaking out of the bed him and his siblings were snuggled into. As soon as he arrived at his grandmothers, Topper had been calling and texting him nonstop until JJ had had enough and answered his facetime.

Topper's grinning face looks back at him, and JJ gives him a small smile. It made him happy, knowing that Topper was happy, even if it was about something that made JJ uncomfortable. Because he knew what Topper was going to do with the pictures, but he still took them. He still removes his pants and underwear, facing his back to the mirror to show off his bare backside that was covered in small bruises and bitemarks from Topper. He still sends them to his boyfriend who shouts his love for him and hangs up the phone. JJ never truly learned.

Feeling used and disgusted in himself, JJ slips his clothes back on and shuffles back into bed, tapping on his messages and hovering over Pope's contact name. He had just met Pope a few days ago in art, the teacher had paired them together and JJ can't believe the amount of things that they have in common. Pope seemed so sweet, so shy and anxious, and JJ found that he liked that. He really liked that.

JJ lets out a small sigh, and taps on Pope's number, typing out a message he knew Pope would answer almost immediately.

JJ: Hey, I'm free sunday does that work

And, JJ was right. In just a few seconds, Pope's message appears, and JJ can't stop himself from smiling.

Pope: Hey, yeah that works for me :)

JJ: Sweet, goodnight

Pope: Goodnight x

Pope seemed like the kind of guy that JJ needed in his life. He just hopes he doesn't fuck it up and lose the potential friendship he was desperate to have.

Loving from afar - JJPope Where stories live. Discover now