As we make it to the house I have rented.  I hope she can handle this its smaller than she has become accustomed to.  She still seems sad hopefully I can help that.  She has asked to play some music and wants to cook.  She says they help her relax and calm her nerves.  I asked her what she needed, and she gave me a list and the equivalents that can be substitutes.  I know this planet and I can get them.  She gives me a list and I smile at it this is similar to a meal my mom used to make.  I ask her to stay here where its safe this planet isn't 100% safe for a human or a child either.   She smiles at me and picks up a book and starts to read.  I walk out still hesitant on leaving her alone she isn't always known for listening to others, but I want her happy more than anything.

Kathleen: Finally, thank the gods he is gone.  I was feeling suffocated.  I don't want to complain about this apartment its pretty and not that small, but it reminds me of being in a cage.  There are bars on the windows.  And its chilly in here.  I go up to the computer and ask the computer here if he would mind playing my music if I connected my device to him, he had no issues.  I knew it would not be questioned to connect the device.  No wires were needed.  I had been told it had a locator on it and Marcus had said connected it to him would boost my signal.  Making it easier for me to contact people or be located.  I just hope it was able to boost it enough.  Alan knew I was not happy with being here and said he would try to connect with Marcus.  I was on pins and needles.  I sat down and started to read a book awaiting Sha'lav.  I didn't want him to think I wasn't reading.

After about 2 hours he came in his arms full of things.  I walked over to help him carry things in.  I had picked out ingredients for one of my favorite comfort foods.  Chicken noodle soup, ingredients for homemade rolls, butter and chocolate cake.  I started the bread first it would take the longest.  I needed to mix it, knead it and let it rise.  Then turn it to rolls and let it rise again.  Honey wheat rolls my favorite.  Then the ingredients for my special chocolate cake.  As the cake is baking I begin the soup.  I start to cut up what is their version of carrots, celery, onions and water adding in the chicken substitute.  Oh, wow it smells good so far.  I can see Sha'lav sniffing the air and smiling.  "My mother used to make something like this when I was sick or upset."  I nod in agreement food can always help a situation no matter the consequences.  I start to make the noodles the best I can without something to thin them out as thin as I prefer but ehh.   Fresh noodles don't take long to cook in a soup. "What is that?"  He looks at the noodles with a look of disgust.  I laugh and say, "Noodles don't worry they won't hurt you."  I think that is hilarious he reminds me of a small child. 

Once the cake it out of the oven I set it aside to cool so I can add the frosting I have yet to make.  I pull the rolls out of the oven which has him drooling a bit.  The smell of fresh bread awesome.  The soup has another hour of slow simmering before I can add the noodles.  He is looking at the cake and licks his lips but looks questioning stare.  "It smells intriguing but doesn't look appetizing."  "Just wait it will be all good."  There is a raucous outside.  He looks to me and asks me to wait here.  I go about what I was doing in the first place.  After about an hour everything is done cake frosted and everything.  In walks Sha'lav and a friend perhaps he looks at me and his eyes dart quickly to my captor.  And then back to me with a smile but it seems off some.

I invite them to sit and eat.  The visitor's eyes have not left me since he came in and I can safely say I am not enjoying the attention.  Matter of fact I feel very uncomfortable with the staring.  I try to ignore the looks, but it is difficult.   After a very uncomfortable dinner with little conversation other than this is good asking what the noodles are made of.  The bread is a big hit with the both of them.  And the cake well more for me they are not a fan of chocolate which is awesome.  However, I don't have anything else to offer them.  My men love the chocolate goods I bake.  It makes me miss them more.  I apologize for not having anything else for dessert.  Sha'lav informs me dessert is not a common practice with them. 

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