The perfect time to escape

Start from the beginning

Thankfully you did manage to take some notes on the fishing routes, by watching from the cliffs whilst the meetings were happening so this time, no matter how unlikely it was (as it was nighttime), you managed to avoid getting caught.

But you still had to make it across the archipelago without a map nor compass and without anyone knowing where you had gone...

It had to have been an hour on the water before you started feeling restlessness, pacing to and from both ends of the boat before setting yourself on an upside down crate next to the wheel. Your groaning was the only thing that could be heard as you set your head into your hands and rethought your decision of leaving.

Abruptly rising to your feet, your steadily started marching back to the wheel, angrily muttering ," no no no I made the right decision, I mean it's safer this way, right?"
Cue another set of groaning, before being very rudely interrupted by a sudden rocking by the boat, having to quickly stable yourself with the wheel before quickly rushing to the side of the boat.
That was when you saw the green scales just slightly below the water," whoa "you whispered in awe
Deciding to look further you noticed a large mix of both greens and reds in the water as a shoal gently glides through the water underneath, causing rather big ripples to rock the boat and turn slightly off root.
You were too mesmerised by the shiny scales of the creatures, how easily they sliced through the water, how the moonlight managed to bounce around on the many, many scales visible.
That was probably how you failed to notice a head rise about the water just opposite you, it was only when little drops of water started attacking your head did your attention switch to the head above your own.

 That was probably how you failed to notice a head rise about the water just opposite you, it was only when little drops of water started attacking your head did your attention switch to the head above your own

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Tilting your head back you finally saw the light green scales from the underside of the mouth and the very narrow yet flat row of teeth being shown from its open mouth.

Quickly taking action you spun yourself to your right and headed straight for your sword, you stumbled your way across the deck before you were stopped when yet another head was shoved directly in front of you and therefore blocking your route to the only chance of defence against the scauldrons.
You had no choice but to halt your movements completely and slowly start back away from the unpredictable dragon.
The earlier green scauldron then made another appearance behind you, blowing a wet heat down you back causing you to flinch and speedily crouch into a vulnerable position with your head down.
'This is definitely it! I'm going to die alone on a boat in the middle of nowhere surround nothing but miles and miles of stretched out water! I probably would've been better off going with Dagur on his stupid boat to his stupid island!'
But after a hot minute, you realised that nothing had happened, you were still in one piece, well at least physically, mentally you were a mess as you were trembling against the floor of the wooded deck.
Deciding against staying against the floor any longer you lifted your head from its place against your knees and quickly made eye contact with the scauldron that was directly in front of you.
Refraining from flinching back you simply stared into its eyes, it didn't seem to look like it was going to attack, so you ever so slightly tilted your head to the side.
Not a second later did the dragon then copy and gently flopped it's head to the side as well.
Was this it? The proof that you had been waiting for, that dragons weren't the terrifying monsters everyone sees them as? (moving aside any fear currently felt facing the beast myself)

Gently tilting you head down to the other side you watched as the scauldron then mimicked you once again, coaxing a small grin out of you. Deciding to do something that's probably very risky and stupid, you gently lifted your still slightly shaky hand to the dragons snout and watched in amazement at the small change in the beasts eyes as they moved towards your hand.

It was when it's wet snout then lent up against your hand, eyes almost completely dilated, did you realise that this was real and that an actual dragon was trusting you enough to touch them.
Silently screaming inside, your grin turning into a full blown smile as you watched the large dragon then retreat from  your hand and gradually go back into the water to join its friend, before disappearing completely from view.
It took a while to finally snap out of whatever daze you seemed to be in but the shock didn't settle well and before you knew what was happening everything went dark as you fell unconscious on the wooden deck.


Tap! Tap! Tap!
There was this constant feeling of being poked that was starting to wake you up, and that was definitely something you couldn't let continue. So as the repeated tapping occurred and you slowly gaining consciousness, you began to hear the hushed whispering, or the very pathetic attempt at whispering as it was probably the only other thing you could hear.

"I don't think that... tapping... maybe...another..."

" is working look.... She's stirring..."

"Maybe but don't you... never mind I guess...g..job"

It was then that you had enough of the tapping and quickly snapped your hand to the persons wrist and probably made everyone jump in the process, clearly not expecting your reaction.

That was just before you abruptly sat up and opened your eyes.
What surprised you most was when you realised that you were surrounded by a group of 14-15 year olds with dragons behind them.
Wait... Dragons!!


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