It was an entirely new experience that he had no means of describing, though maybe the idea of his world being a Pollock made more sense as he flew through the cityscape. 

He didn't make much noise outside of a few breathy laughs and gasps that escaped him. 

And when he was finally lowered back to his feet, his knees were weak and his heart thundering, but he managed a single nod and a breathy laugh as he became reacquainted with the ground. 

"Yeah…yeah I'm um.." his hands slid slowly down Peter's chest and he realized his mind had strayed far from their case and the reconnaissance- he was pulsing with adrenaline and heady with excitement and he was horrifically turned on in ways that made him question himself but he tried to push it all aside to little avail.

"Now…now I reaally want a turn." He huffed with a breathless smirk, finally stepping back and putting his hands on his own hips, trying to catch his breath.  

"That was fun. I'll give it to you. I would probably have way more fun at my job if I was getting around like that." 

He licked his lips, slightly chapped from the swing and tilted his head to get a survey on where they were in relevance to their target. But despite this attempt to move on he still seemed frazzled, his proverbial feathers ruffled. 


Relieved Matt was in fact alright, if not for a little breathless, Peter’s mouth cracked into a bright toothy smile and he chuckled,  utterly enchanted by Matt’s infectious excitement. 

“Woah, woah there, tiger. Not until I know you won’t get too woozy. Maybe after a trial run..." his eyes glazed over his light-headed appearance and heaving chest, “or two”, he teased. Although it was obvious he was just being playful, there was still a weight of responsibility behind his voice. 

Stepping away from the other vigilante to give him a bit more room to breathe, a knowing smirk graced the spider’s lips underneath the shroud of his mask.

Soon enough, Matt would have his own kind of aerial transportation. Not necessarily webs per say, but still quite nifty to have in his arsenal.   

“But yeah, it is one of my favorite things. Not so much with a possible concussion from getting your head knocked around like a bobblehead a few times, but it's a pretty fun stress release when you can’t afford therapy,” he chuckled.

Clasping his hands behind his back, Peter twirled around to face the exit of the alley. Ever so slightly, he leaned his thin frame forwards and poked his head out just past the brick wall to gauge their surroundings. 

The city street had a couple of cars and trucks parked on the side of the road, giving them a bit of coverage to sneak close enough to the building’s gate without being detected. However, past that, they had very little cover.

Leaning back into the dark blanket of their little hideaway, Peter turned back to Matt.

“Anyone patrolling the grounds? If we can sneak up to the gate, I could probably land a decent shot from there.”


Matt gave one of Peter's shoulders a bump as he moved with him towards the mouth of the alley, though he stayed back in the darkness- seemingly already regaining his steady stature. 

His heart was still rolling in his chest, his head reeling with the excitement of such an invigorating ride and the potential, however tentative from Peter, of a solo attempt. 

He took in a slower breath as his chest regained its normal cadence, then another, slower still than the first. Closing his eyes, he focused past the gangly hero and his intoxicating nature to the world beyond them and their dank alley hideaway. 

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