"There is a gate guard. And a man on each door, which leaves our best entry point on the far right side…" he hummed a little bit, surveying with a slight tilt of his head. 

"There are fewer guards than I expected. Only four if my count is right…" he cantered his head in the other direction, checking his work before he turned from the alley entrance and made the bounding leap from the dumpster to the fire escape. Climbing up and over

with relative ease before making a motion with his head for Peter to follow.
As the spider launched himself up the rooftop he would find Matt had swiped a bit of metal, about forearm length, and was putting his boot into the middle to bend the two ends inwards, creating a v shape from the bar.
Matt stuck up a hand and gave a little whistle before, "web me…" and when Peter complied to his unexplained instruction instead of letting the web wrap around his hand he allowed it to attach to one end of the bar, and gingerly with the aid of another bit of debris he wrapped the web around the obtuse side of bars, creating a makeshift slingshot of sorts.
He centered a bit of cardboard in the middle, sure it would stick and loaded a stray crumpled soda can, giving the webs a testing tug before letting the can fly to the next roof over.
He hummed and did another test run, this time arking the can and increasing the difference. Sure, he had sussed out the particulars of his new toy he pulled the makeshift emp from his side pouch before loading it into the makeshift slingshot.
For a man without the ability to see what he was doing, he was incredibly adept at tinkering.
"Kay. If I can hit the ark, which I am sure I can, can you meet it with the webs? Make sure it sticks?"
Peter hummed at Matt’s summations and turned to see him make his climb onto the roof.
“Hmm. I don’t hate those odds, but they couldn’t have made it easier for us, could they?”
With a spry spring in his step, Peter took a stride forward and leapt up and over onto the ledge of the building, following after his vividly perceptive partner, who… had a long piece of metal in his hands?
Puzzled, Peter curiously watched Matt bend the metal rod with an impressive force and when asked for his contribution, he blinked with confusion behind his wide spidery lenses but shot a string of web anyway. Tearing the sticky end off, he tossed it over for Matt to use.
As the crafty devil tugged the offered web between the two metal ends, it dawned on the clever spider what he was up to.
After he had seemed to work out the particulars of his makeshift slingshot, Peter clapped his gloved hands together for a muffled round of applause and came over to hover by his side.
Answering his question with a radiant confidence that seemed Spiderman could only elicit out of Peter Parker, he stretched his arms over his head and said,  “You can bet on it, ‘D.”
Shifting sideways and setting his feet apart, Peter stretched an arm towards the building and flexed a finger over the trigger of his shooter.
“On your mark.”
Pulling the slingshot back, Matt released the webs with a snap and launched the electromagnetic device. It made its high trajectory through the air and just as it arrived at the peak of its arc, it was enveloped by a sticky spider web that sprang quickly from behind and swept forward with it in a joint momentum, cushioning it against the dome-like shape of the sensor at the top of the facility.
The spider froze for a moment or two, trying to gauge if it was working or not but glancing sideways at his partner who had warned him that once it was activated, it would drown out his own radar; he needed no further confirmation.
So, without further delay, they approached the edge of the roof and surveyed the enclosed perimeter. The closest guard was making his rounds up and down his side. From one end to the other and back again.
So waiting for the guard to make it a third of the way to one side of his post,  Peter wrapped a long arm around Matt's waist. Climbing the chain-link fence would make too much noise, alerting the guards of their intrusion, so he tugged the other vigilante up with him as he hopped over the tall wire fence.
Stealthy and quick on his feet, the spider brought them over to duck down against the side of a large stack of crates. 
Lowering his voice to a hush, he whispered, “Are you good? We’re going to need to time this carefully if we’re gonna get on that roof.”
As their electromagnetic pulse made its way in a soft whirl towards the building enveloped and cushioned by the web Matt prepared himself, closing his eyes.
The silent screech of the device intensified once it had settled on the building, fuzzing his view of the interior of the building.
He gritted his teeth but it wasn't as bad as he had expected, it was at least manageable at this distance.
Peter wrapped his arm around him and Matt made a disgruntled little noise tilting his head slightly but otherwise took the jump over the fence with relative ease. Landing into a crouch and ducking behind the closest cover at Peter's side.
As the hushed question, edging with worry, slipped from the Spider's concealed lips Matt surveyed his own senses.
Tilting his chin back a bit before nodding, speaking just in a breath of a whisper, sure Peter could hear him fine.
"It isn't as bad as I thought. It is hard for me to see into the building, or the guards on the other side, but I still have a good view of the guards at the gate, and we are clear for the moment… lemme…"
Matt leaned out a bit from the crate to make sure the guard wasn't turned towards them, confirming he had just completed the rout to double back and had his back to them, his breathing muted and his footsteps receding.
"Okay… we only have a max of three more minutes on that before it burns out. The system likely takes a minute to reboot, but you're right. ."
He smirked and nodded towards the rooftop,
"I'm not worried about making the landing, just give me a boost?"
He made a motion like a cheerleader might, weaving his fingers together and lifting from his waist.
He wanted Peter to throw him, and judging by the devious smile that lingered under his horns, he wanted him to do it for the fun of it.
And before Peter could argue he was off again, running towards the high intensity ringing that only he and the neighboring dogs could hear, dipping behind parked trucks and stacked crates to get nearer to the building before he used the spiders strength to his advantage bounding into his grasp before doing a front flip, landing on the rooftop and rolling to his feet, his stance wide as he turned to meet his spindly cohort on his heels and rounded the corner towards the rooftop entrance. Opening the door would sound an alarm, likely too far away from the proximity system to be fried by the emp, so Matt didn't bother. He pulled a small finger length knife from where it was holstered along the length of his belt and untwisted the industrial vent panel on the top of the wall. Quietly letting it dangle from the last remaining bolt before hoisting himself up to the ledge and into the rather claustrophobic space.
He gritted his teeth, the ringing of the pulse shrieking in his ear but not completely blinding him, though the sharp lines that constructed the bones of his view warbled and shivered with uncertainty he felt comfortable in his abilities to focus past it. Though the migrain he'd have later would be killer, he didn't have to suffer much longer.
“Okay, 4 minutes. Got it,” his words rushed out in his hushed voice.
It wasn’t exactly enough time to allow for a full sweep of the facility, but it was enough to potentially figure out what it was generally used for.
At Matt’s mischievous smirk and sly suggestion, a crooked grin cracked Peter’s concentrated face.
Of course, he couldn’t say no to a bit of fun. That was one of the perks of the job.
He glanced back at the bulky retreating figure of the security guard but before he could even turn back to Matt and give him a response or even an animated nod of his head, he was already rushing off to get closer to the building.
With quick, light steps, Peter darted from their hiding spot behind the stack of crates to the back of the truck and stealthily weaved to the next tower of boxes.
Bending his knees, he laced his hands together and as Matt’s boot landed into his firm, steady hold, Peter boosted him up and tossed him into the air, careful to give him enough force without overdoing it.
Peter followed right on his trail.
With a swift thwip of his webs, Peter leaned back and shot himself up onto the roof, landing down onto bent knees in his signature spidery crouch before raising himself up to full height.
As Matt got the opening of the vent unscrewed and hoisted himself up inside, the slim spider crawled in after him, making sure to leave enough space between the two of them so as to avoid overwhelming the ducts with both of their weight.
Inside the vent, it was impossibly dark, even for Peter’s heightened eyesight, so as he shuffled after Matt, he carefully felt out his surroundings as they progressed further along the length of the vent.
After crawling for a couple of feet, they came to another panel along the side. Peeking in between the gaps in the grill, Peter could see they had come to a long hallway with doors that lead to different office-type rooms. One with computers and other tech, one with boxes of files, and one that sat at the opposite end that seemed fitting for a fancy manager. At the other end of the hall were two heavy set wooden doors, Peter imagined led to the rest of the warehouse.
“I’m not sensing any cameras. We’re good to go, Agent Bond’.”
Sticking the pads of his electrostatic fingers against the metal cover, Peter applied enough pressure to pop it off its hinges.
Quietly as possible, he pulled it into the vent with them so they could easily put it back after they were done, and the goons would be no wiser if anyone had actually visited their secret lair.
Peter slinked down from the vent and waited for Matt to drop down and join him.
He tugged himself into the vent, crawling a few feet before lowering himself down the joint, pressing against the walls until he made it to the next floor down, and could shimmy his way further in, out of the way enough for Peter to work his magic on the grate.
He was unbothered by the darkness, felt perfectly at home in it, in fact the further they climbed the better he was able to see, his world disturbed less and less by the shrieking of their pass onto the rooftop.
By the time Matt was lowering himself with rigid control to the floor of the office the whining had all but melted into the background.
He did a sweep of the interior quiet, his breathing slow, but he didn't pick up on anything near them. So carefully, he ventured further down the hallway, only a couple of steps before he dropped his chin and murmured.
"I'm not too worried about making it out of here before the emp burns out. I think I can make the leap to the ledge and get down without setting off the alarm."
He tilted his chin to the side, taking a slow breath in through his nose.
"I'm not picking up on anyone inside. And it doesn't seem like there are interior cameras, so they must not want what goes on in here to be on record."
He made a low soft hum turning around before he chewed at his lip, checking the handle to the offices, they were tightly sealed but that was not much of an issue for the daredevil, who pulled a pin from his belt and began popping open locks, significantly easier on interior doors.
"I'm not much use as far as papers go, I mean I can usually read handwritten stuff or certain raised prints but I'm slow…maybe you start snooping to see why the hell they have this locked up so tight. I can move further downstairs to see if I dig up anything."
He began to walk backward from Peter towards the stairwell.
"If anything goes sideways, then I will meet you outside. We are close to the Lincoln Center. Let's call that our rendezvous if we get split up."

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