S1 Ep7 Scaling Conflict part one

Start from the beginning

"Thunder, we're ready to leave!" Aukie yelled. Thunder bolted towards her and put the wagon straps on. "What's gotten into him? Was it something I said?" Sky thought grabbing his satchel. "I hope you can get help Thunder. But then again... we all need it." He mumbled thinking about Crystal, Diamond, and Snow. "Skyyy!! Come on we're losing daylight!" Aukie shouted. "Coming!" He responded.

Crystal's Pov

Crystal drops off Diamond and Snow off at the school of friendship. "Now remember Diamond, deep breaths when you feel anxious. okay?" Crystal calmly told Diamond. She nodded and smiled like her cheery self. Crystal gestured at Diamond for a hug. She hesitates before Crystal did a "come on" shrug. As she gets in close, Crystal pulls her in. It wasn't very long, he then gave snow a hug. And she was so happy after the hug that she took a breather.

"Have fun you two." He says smiling and waving as they both leave for school. "Now what do I do?" He mumbled to himself. A gust of wind blows a poster in his face. He takes the poster off his face and looks at it. It was for the Manehattan pride celebration (Shhhh... don't tell the lunatics.) Crystal looks around to see where the poster came from. It was a little caravan with a unicorn picking up posters strewn along the ground. He recognized who it was "hey swift!" He called out.

The unicorn turned around and smiled "hey Crystal!" (Swift Justice has a pastel green coat, with a short and scruffy dark blue man with gray highlights underneath a cowgirl hat. her cutie mark is a police hat on top of some handcuffs). She runs over to give Crystal a little hug. "Gosh... how long has it been since I've seen you. Like... 5 years?" She asks in disbelief that it's been that long. Crystal hugs back, and smiles. He never thought he would ever see her again.

They break the hug, then Swift grabbed crystal "Come on. I want you to meet somepony." She said dragging him to her caravan. She knocks on the door and yells "Come out here... I want to introduce you to an old friend of mine!" They hear hoof steps in the caravan moving towards the door. The door opens to reveal a scruffy looking Pegasus with an ocean blue coat and sand yellow mane. "*groan* Wwwhat do you want again... sweetie?" She groans in a loving way, looking at Swift. Swift looked at Crystal with a smirk, with Crystal smirking back. "Nice." He thought.

"Crystal. This is Ocean tide."

"Hey." Ocean moans, still tired.

"And Ocean, this is Crystal Heart."

"It's nice to meet you." Crystal says extending his hoof out to shake. She obliges and shakes his hoof "it's nice to...*yawn* meet you too." Ocean turns to Swift and nearly faceplanted into the ground. Swift catches her and lifts her up. "Can I back to bed. I'm still tirrrred after last niiiight." Ocean tiredly groans. "Coarse you can." Swift says pecking her cheek. She gently pushes her girlfriend in the direction of their bed. "Do I want to know?" Crystal asks looking a little scared. Swift sees his face and giggles "*giggle* it's not like that... she's been up all night making those posters. I was going to help her. But I was sooo tired from my shift, I looked like a zombie." Crystal knew what it was like to be tired from working. "I get that. So where do you work?" He asks. Swift quietly goes inside to grab something. She comes out wearing a police uniform with badge in tow. "You like it?" She asks showing off her outfit. Crystal nods "she still as beautiful as the day I left her." He thinks leaning on one side of his body. He doesn't notice his posing, which makes swift laugh a little.


They hear the train was going to leave so Crystal bolted. "IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!" He yelled in the distance. "I WAS NICE SEEING YOU AGAIN!!" She yelled back.

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