"True.." He sheepishly laughed out as he placed a hand behind his neck, seemingly nervous when he saw how the girl reacted, thinking that he may have said something that made her this way.


And so, their walk to (Name)'s law firm building became silent. They walked side by side without uttering a single word, making their interactions with one another awkward, and both of them were not an expert with communication.

Though, (Name) does know how to communicate with people, but with her love interest? It jist feels like the words and sentences were flowing out of her brain before she could even speak of some topic, she had to be careful on speaking around Shu, so that she wouldn't embarrass herself even more.

Upon reaching their destination, (Name) sighed and was disappointed in herself that she couldn't even get herself a chance to at least speak out about some topic, so that she can get some time to talk to him.

"Shu?" She uttered out, now she turned to the male, looking at him directly in the eye.


"Before you leave, do you mind.." She cleared her throat once again as she took Shu's free hand, holding it as if she was pleading. "If-If I.. if I ask you to accompany me to a newly opened museum." She spoke as fast as she could as she closed her eyes, this was her first time asking someone out, so of course, she'd be this way.

Brows raising, Shu let out a smile as he placed a hand on top of the girl's hands that had his other hand. "Of course, why not." He answered without hesitation, he had also wanted to ask to spend some time with him to watch a movie or even go to a mall, but perhaps going to a museum was a better choice for them since it would be more peaceful there.

"Will that be all?" He asked when he felt (Name) take back her hands that held Shu's. He couldn't help, but keep his smile since this behaviour of (Name) was rare to even happen or see, he was lucky enough to see her like this.


Surprised, she took a step back and stared at the ground as she gripped her iced coffee in her hand. She embarrassed herself enough today, but why can't she seem to stop her mouth from uttering out unnecessary things? "I mean, yes. That's all, I text you the detail?" She answered, trying to keep her cool.

"Sure. Be careful on your way home, okay?" She replied, then he placed a hand over the girl's head, patting her head gently and (Name) couldn't seem to find herself disliking it.

She likes Shu.

That's it.

She likes everything that Shu does.

Everything he does somehow had an effect on her, she knew it from the beginning she met Shu on her first and second memory. "Yeah, you too, Shu." She replied before walking back inside her lawfirm's building, with a smile present on her face her iced coffee no longer remained cold for the ice had already melted in the coffee.

The smile on ger face was instantly wiped off as soon as she saw Uki smiling as her with a smug and curious look on his face. It was obvious for (Name) that this best friend of hers was ready to tease the hell out of her.

"What was that?" The purple haired male smirked as he walked forward, slowly. "Hm? Did you ask him on a date?" He was amused since this saint of a friend he have had asked someone which he never really thought that she'd be able to do it without his help.

But this was (Name) he was talking about, of course she'll do it of she wants to.

"N-Not really a date? Hehe." (Name) replied as she looked away, taking her watery coffee to discuss the sink before placing it on the trash since it wouldn't smell nice of she place the coffee on their trash, it would make their office have an unpleasant smell.

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