Bae: Lame...

Felicia: Oi!

Jen, Felicia, and Lisa walk up to Yn.

Jen, Felicia, and Lisa walk up to Yn

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Yn: Tch

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Yn: Tch.

Yn: Lisa.

Lisa: Yeah?

Yn: You're smart in this department. Finish it.

He nudges her to his gadgets.

Lisa: O-okay...

Yn: What do you want?

Jen:(leans over Yn) What are you working on?

Yn: A muzzle for you. Now I repeat. What do you want?

Jen: We'll be ready to launch in 10 minutes.

Yn: I'll be ready then.

Felicia: Good.

Lisa: Finished!

Yn: Perfect. Also, while I'm gone, you'll watch Bae.

Lisa: What!?

Yn: Bae, go play with your aunty Lisa.


She leaps onto Lisa's back.

Lisa: GHA!

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