Small family (Wilbur)

Start from the beginning

Instead, he was focused on the soft, fuzzy, feeling swarming his head.

He felt this when he regressed for the first time but then he had to coax himself to regress by watching cartoons and being childish. Why was it coming so easily now?

It could be because of how distressed he is. It could also be because of the intense pain, though him dissociating was helping with that.

It could also be because Phil, and hopefully Kristen, were on their way. They were, whether they knew it or not, Wilburs parental figures. They cared for him like his biological family didn't. They made him feel safe, loved, and protected.

A knock sounded at the door but Wilbur didn't make a effort to get up. He could barely even hear the door through his thoughts. Besides, Phil had a spare key.

The knocking, however, turned to pounding and Wilbur found himself getting off the bed with a huff. He didn't even bother to cover his arms.

He opened the front door and let out a 'oomph' sound when a extremely worried Tommy flung himself into Wilburs arms.

Wilbur let out a pained whimper as Tommys shirt rubbed harshly against his wounds.

"What's wrong? Are you-," Tommy cut himself off as he spotted the lines, some fresh and some older, on Wilburs arms.

"Wil...," Tommy didn't have time to react before Phil showed up, Kristen clinging to his side with a scared expression.

Wilbur almost immediately grabbed onto Phil, pulling him into a tight hug and bursting into hysterics.

He sobbed into Phils shirt, noticing but ignoring everyone's worried stares and questioning eyes. He cried and cried and he sobbed and sobbed.

He ignored the other two, he ignored the burning pain of his cuts, and he ignored the sinking feeling in his chest. He focused purely on his father, focusing on the comfort and hug that he needed so badly.

"I'm sorry," Wilbur whispered, his voice breaking.

"It's okay, everything's okay," Phil pulled the brunette closer, placing a hand in Wils hair.

Kristen stiffled a sob as she watched. Wilbur looked up at her and his face alone almost made her crack. He just looked so sad.

He was incredibly pale, his eyebags were purple and very dark, and he had fresh tear tracks over his recently dried ones.

It pained her to see him like this.

"Alright," Phil attempted to move back but accepted his fate when Wilbur clung to him tightly.

"Tom, grab his phone, laptop, and anything you think he'll need in a bag," Tommy was about to run off when Wilbur mumbled a bit.

"Sugar," Wilbur spoke up when Tommy gave him a questioning glance. Sugar was the name of Wilburs stuffed bear.

Tommy nodded sadly and held a lingering gaze on Wilburs face before he ran off to collect what he was asked to.

"Kristen, get his paperwork please," The couple knew where he kept his stuff, this wasn't the first time this had happened.

Wilbur had regressed before. He just never remembered because it was always involuntary and impure.

"Alright Wil," Phil cooed softly. He helped Wilbur stand up and walked him into the bathroom.

The perfectly clean state of the bathroom worried Phil. The entire house was spotless despite Wilbur being in a horrible depression episode. It gave Phil chills... What was Wilbur planning to do? (Deep cleaning while in a depression episode is a really bad sign of suicidal intentions)

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