"Before that, answer few of our questions , will you?" Grandpa said and Taehyung nodded hesitantly ...

"What's the relationship between you and Jungkook ?" Grandpa asked ...

"G.grandpa what kind of a question is that ? He is my wife of course. .." Taehyung said hesitantly..

"I didn't ask you for the tag of your relationship Taehyung ...we all know you both are married and he is your wife ..I am asking you about the relationship you have with him as a life partner, as a better half..." Grandpa raised his voice but his question left Taehyung speechless coz what will he even say to them ...that he never treated Jungkook even like a friend or civil person let alone as his life partner ? That he didn't even trust him ? That he accused him of stealing his project ? That he insulted him constantly?
Seeing him not uttering a word, Taehee asked the question that she wanted to ask from the first day she came in this mansion ...

"Do you even consider him as your wife Taehyung?" Taehee asked and anyone could feel how disappointed she was feeling as if she already knew the answer ...

"I ..." Taehyung couldn't say anything ...

"You didn't right ? You didn't even treat him like a mere friend let alone as your wife right ?

Taehyung, I request you ...plz tell me exactly what happened between you two from the day of your marriage till now ...I want the truth because I have had enough ...I asked you whether everything was good between you both when I first came here but you avoided my questions but now I won't allow you to do that ...
I want my answers today and don't you dare hide any single thing from me ..I am warning you ..." Taehee warned Taehyung who was stunned after listening to her ...this was the first time in his life that his mother is speaking so sternly with him ...he knew that he won't be able to hide his faults anymore so he let it out ...he told them everything that happened between him and Jungkook and the moment he finished speaking, a tight slap landed on his cheek ...he just kept looking at the ground while holding his cheek not even daring to look up ...he knew that he deserved it ...

"Did you hear what he said dad ? Did you hear what your talented grandson has done ...
We failed dad ...we failed to raise him ...sungie( her husband) must be so disappointed in me right now ...I ..I promised him that I will raise both of our children to be humble, kind and understanding...I promised him that I will teach them to treat everyone equally but I couldn't keep my promise ...
I ..I even ruined jungkook's life because of my selfishness ....he was already suffering so much and I just made it worse by marrying him to this shameless person ...he had to face and hear so many cruel things in this marriage because of my own son and I didn't even know ...and now ..now he left this house too ...how will I bring him back dad ...h.how ..how will I face him now ? What will I say to him ? Will he forgive me ? Will he listen to me an.anymore ...I don't ..know what I should do anymore dad ..I don't know .." Taehee slumped down on the couch and hid her face in her palms ...

" You know Taehyung ...the day your father died, I thought that I only lost my son but today I realised that I lost you as well ...the Taehyung who was so compassionate and understanding to others , who always helped others, who was always so cheery and could make anyone happy with just his one smile is dead now ...my tiger whom I loved more than anything is gone ...
and today, I am seeing a Taehyung who is selfish, who doesn't care about others' feelings , who always hurts others without any reason , who disrespects others, who doesn't take anyone's hardwork into consideration, who is full of himself and doesn't know anything other than his work and his own benefit ...

That kid did everything for you ...for us ...he took care of us, made sure that we are eating on time...always giving us our medicines without fail ...always checking our health ...he did everything that you should have done ...he took every responsibility that was supposed to be yours ...you became so busy in your work and buisness that you forgot that you had a family to take care of ...you stopped eating with us , you started to ignore us , you even stopped visiting us ...you never even asked if we were doing fine or not but that little boy did ...from the day we have came here, he treated us way better than you did ...he knows what we like what we dislike ,our cravings, our allergies..everything ...
And after knowing that he did all these for us even after you treated him like shit has increased the love and respect I have for him ...I didn't think I would ever say this in my life but,
You let me down Taehyung ...Jungkook was already very broken but you broke him even more ...

You know Taehyung ... marriage is a very pure thing ...and it's not necessary that you have to love your partner from the very first day ... today's generation or I should say your generation thinks that if their is no love, then that relationship won't work no matter what ...but you all don't understand that love is not the only thing that is needed to make a relationship work ...it is not the first thing that helps you to stay happy in a relationship...
A marriage is based on many things and love is just a part of it ...
You must have trust , care, loyalty, communication and consideration towards your other half and love will automatically follow ...
When I got married to your grandmother, we didn't even know each other let alone loving ...but we gave our marriage a chance...we talked with each other, we got to know about each other's lives ...we understood each other and trusted each other and eventually we came to the point where no one could separate each other ...we loved each other like no one else ever did and even if today she is not with me anymore I still love her with my everything...I am sure she does too ...
Love is a very big word. ..it certainly takes time but when it happens, it is the most blissful feeling one can ever feel ...
And you lost the chance to experience that feeling just because of your own mistakes ...

And after hearing everything that you did to him, I can confidently say that you don't deserve him ... Jungkook deserves someone way better than you ...
And I am very happy that he left you ...
That he left this house ...I am proud of him that he decided to stand up for himself instead of being with a shameless person like you and keeping up with your stupidity ...
As for you Taehee , you also did wrong ...you shouldn't have forced him to do this marriage ...I warned you the very first day when you told me about your and jungkook's conversation about this whole thing but you just shrugged it off ... you knew what he has been through and yet you decided to take such a big decision all by yourself ...I know you wanted him to be happy but now see what happened ...your own son ruined everything ...you told Jungkook to take care of your son and he did, even when your son didn't deserve it ...and in return he only got hurt ...you promised him that your son will take care of him but your son didn't ...
I can see that you are regretting your decision so go and have a talk with Jungkook ...he is very kind and I am sure that he will understand you ... apologize to him ..." Grandpa said with a sigh and Taehee nodded ...

"I will go now itself ...I can't wait anymore ...I will do anything to bring him back ..." Taehee said...

She immediately went upstairs to change and then left the house but not before glaring at Taehyung who was still sitting at the same place with his head hanging low and tears rolling down his face ...


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