Chapter 41- Christmas

Start from the beginning

"Merry Christmas, Will" Ava smiled adjusting his hat.
"Merry Christmas Ava"
Will and Connor hugged in the doorway before shutting out the cold behind them. Natalie sat Ava down on the sofa and the men joined them.
"Owen, this is mummy's friend, Ava" Natlite waved to how who was playing with a toy ambulance.
"Hello, Owen" Ava waved to him.
Owen looked between Ava and Nat before going back to Ava.
"You sound funny" he said before going back to his toy.
"Owen! Don't say that" Nat exclaimed, a flush creeping up her face.
"It's fine" Ava assured her.
"What state are you from?" Owen asked.
"I'm not from America, I'm South Africa"
Owen's mouth hung open slightly, "So you're from Africa?"
"I am" Ava confirmed.
Owen squealed and ran up to her.
"Have you seen a zebra, no a lion, no an elephant!" He listed, resting his hands on her knees.
"I haven't seen a tiger but I've seen plenty of lions and elephants"
"Cool!" Owen crawled onto her lap. "Did you know I'm going to be an explorer"
"Oh well you'll have to make sure to come back and visit us from time to time" Ava smiled down at Owen, who's face was slightly red from all his chatting.
"I like her mummy" Owen loudly whispered over to Nat.

The five of them hand dinner together and owns quizzed Ava all about life in South Africa. After dinner Nat suggested that they watch a Christmas movie and relax. Will and Connor cleared the table while Ava and Nat went to the living room. Connor sat next to Ava and went to moved the blanket from her lap to sit under it before she stopped him, pointing to a sleeping Owen who was tucked under her arm.
"Stealing my spot" Connor shook his head.
"Come on" Ava patted the other side of the sofa, "you know I'll always have room for you"
Connor sat next to her and arm wrapped her arm around him, resting her head on his shoulder. Connor took a sip of his beer that he'd brought from the kitchen and offered some to Ava who shook her head. Ava closed her eyes briefly as the opening scenes for The Grinch, played. Exhaling a short breath Ava opened her eyes again, catching Nat smiling softly to her from Will's side. Her eyes trailed from Connor over to Owen before returning to the screen. Ava turned back to the T.V confident that neither of the men had seen that.

They finished the move and Owen reluctantly left Ava's side as Nat pulled him away so she could get up. Nat walked her to the door as Connor and will said their goodbyes in the kitchen.
"Bye" Ava wrapped her arms around Nat.
"Bye bye auntie Ava" Owen came up to her, rubbing his eyes he wrapped his arms around her knees.
"Bye little man, Merry Christmas" Ava tousled his hair.
"You know, you and Connor would make cute kids" Nat said quietly to her.
"Oh, I don't think we're quite there" Ava laughed nervously.
Natalie tilted her head, "just saying" she winked, giving Ava one last hug.

Will and Connor came into the hall then and said their goodbyes. Natalie picked Owen up to bring him to his room for his nap. Owen waved down the hall to Ava as he was carried away. Ava and Connor stepped out into the cold, Connor wrapped his arm around her waist, keeping her close.
"That was nice, I liked it" Ava smiled, leaning into Connor as they walked down the street to the car. Connor brought his lips to her forehead, kissing her gently before stopping suddenly.
"Did you have anything to drink?"
"No" Ava replied.
"I had two beers" Connor said, having completely forgotten that he was driving. Ava looks between him and the car.
"You can drive" he suggested, holding out his car keys.
"Connor, I don't know-"
"Ava you can drive"
Ava raised her eyebrows but opened the drivers side door anyway. Ava tapped her fingers against the the steering wheel and looked around at everything in front of her.

Connor handed her the keys and she took them up them into the ignition and turned on the engine.
"You're over thinking it Avey" he told her, placing a hand on her he kiss her cheek.
"It's just like any other car"
"It's just like any other car" she repeated before pulling off. Ava was extra careful at the lights and drove well under the speed limit.
"Avey you can go a bit faster you know" he laughed, looking over to her.
"I know, I just don't want to go too fast" she turned off her blinker as they came to a long stretch of road.
Connor pushed down on Ava's knee a little, making her foot go down on the excelerator. Ava sat up in her seat and pulled his hand further up her thigh, still keeping the good speed Connor had set. The more Ava was behind the wheel the more comfortable she became with the car, Ava relaxed into her seat and only had one hand on the wheel, the other one gently placed against her face.

"I got you something, a few days ago, for Christmas. I was waiting until we were in the car together or till you found it on your own" She smiled, "it's in the glove box"
"And what was that you were saying about no gifts?" Connor smiled, opening the glove box.
Connor pulled out a small clear box, "Midnights, by Taylor swift" he grinned, opening the CD box. "I thought since you love her so much"

Connor put the CD into the radio and waited for it to play.
"Thank you, Avery" he kissed her cheek.
"Hey, don't be distracting the driver" she teased him, placing her hand on his thigh.

"From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes, i gave my blood sweat and tears for this. I hosted parties and starved my body like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss"

Ava held Connors hand as they sang along together, giggling. As the song ended Ava realised Connor had stopped singing and was staring at her.
"What?" Ava asked, suddenly uncomfortable.
"You have a great voice" he brought her knuckles to his lips.
"You're just saying that" she brushed it off as they pulled into the car park.
Connor caught her knee as she moved to get out of the car, "I mean it, I mean all the compliments I give you"
Ava leaned back in and kissed him, pulling away to rest her head on his chest.

A/n: sorry for the late update guys. I'm a little bit behind on some chapters because I hurt my hand this week, but I should be back on track soon 👍 ❤️

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