"Well if that's the case I'm sure she is the best beater alive because I know for a fact I'm the best in this school"

"There's that confidence" Fred wrapped his arm around the girls shoulder pulling her into him "So what do you want to do with all the information you have?" Liora leaned into him and sighed

"I don't know lock it away and never mention it again seems like a very appealing option" Fred chuckled at her reply

"Appealing but unhealthy. I say you talk about it you embrace it you don't have to necessarily talk to her or meet her for her to be your mother" Liora knew Fred was right she was thankful he was the one sat next to her.

"I know. Just everything it's a lot to take in I think I was just overwhelmed." Fred understood what she ment he couldn't even imagine what she was feeling right now and knew she probably needed a distraction right now

"Well then take your time. You have all the time in the world to process it. So right now don't think to much into it yeah?" Fred rubbed Liora's arm as he continued to hug her into his side.

"Want to ask questions again?" Liora suggested. Fred was right she had time and she rather not speak about it anymore that night she had cried way to much for her liking.

"Sure. I'll start off because I have got a good one."

"Go on Fredrick"

"What is in your bag? Like I'm genuinely curious you carry it everywhere and according to what I heard only a select few are allowed to touch it" Liora laughed at the question. It was true she hated people touching her bag. Afraid they'll find the map or her notebook full of the past mystery and mayhem plans.

"I can't tell you everything that's in my bag but I can show you some of the stuff that's in here only if you promise not to tell a soul." Liora was being dramatic she wasn't going to show him any of the real important stuff like the map or her plans but she trusted him enough to show him everything else.

"I promise" Fred put out his pinky for the girl to wrap her own around. Liora shook her head and put his hand down. "No, no this calls for a fuck you promise"

"a fuck you promise?" Fred asked confused on what it was. Liora smiled and nodded.

"A fuck you promise. It's like a pinky promise but instead of pinky you use your middle finger. Unlike the pinky promise if this is broken the person who broke it will have to stand in front of everyone as the other gets to grab a liquid of their choice to pour on them as they yell a big fuck you" Liora explained Fred started to laugh thinking it was amazing. She was amazing.

"That's brilliant have you ever done it?"

"Yeah poured chowder on Cameron fourth year in the Ravenclaw common room" Liora said with a shrug "so Fuck you promise?" Liora put out her middle finger waiting for Fred's reply "a fuck you promise" he wrapped his middle finger around hers and chuckled seeing Liora's face light with excitement.

"I've always wanted to give a bag tour but no one has ever asked this is exciting also I have an extension charm on it so it carries quite alot" Liora pulled away from Fred and grabbed her bag they was placed next to her

"Ok first thing first I have all my textbooks in here along with my ink and special colorful quills I like them to match my hair in class" Liora pulled out her textbooks, ink and quills. Laying them gently on the astronomy towers floor.

"They are very nice looking quills" Fred said liking seeing her excited.

"Thank you. Min- Mcgonagall helped me find them they were quite hard to find for cheap. Ok on to the next items" Fred listened and watched everything Liora pulled out of her bag hearing her explanation for having them and making conversation about each item. He admired how excited she was for every item even for the few chocolate frogs she had in there. He like seeing her hair change to Yellow right in front of his eyes. He liked seeing the eyes that were moments ago filled with tears now filled with joy.

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