"Like I showed you." He told Cat, nodding, and she sent one back.

"Sound effect ready?" He looked back to our teacher, "All set." He clicked something on the remote, looking up.

"It'll look like this." He threw a fake punch, causing Cat to cover her face and let out a whimper.

She slowly looked up, seeing he didn't actually hurt her and ran to the middle, grinning. "I'm okay, everyone!"

Russ walked over to her, raising Cat's arm in the air, making everyone clap.

"Alright, I'm gonna pair you guys up and each team will work with Russ this week to prepare a fight scene." Our teacher told us, walking over to Russ who now stood alone. Cat going back to her seat.

"I thought his name was Steve?" Andre chimed, making most of us agree with him, I on the other hand thought he looked like a Russ.

"My name is Russ!" He said, raising his voice a tad and putting his arms in the air.

"Okay, and on Friday you all will perform your fight scene here in front of the class." Our teacher continued, stopping our talking. "The pairs will be Beck and Cat, Andre and Y/n, Darren and Jess, Tori and Jade—" 

"Tori and who?" Tori blurted, sitting up.

I looked at Jade who was sitting right by me, seeing her smirk and raise her eyebrows at Tori. Tori's face was priceless as she looked between our teacher and Jade. The bell then rung, signifying the end of our class period.

Tori got up going to talk with our teacher, probably about being partnered with Jade. When we were grabbing our bags, Jade went up to Tori, antagonizing her.

"Hey, partner, I can't wait for our fight..." She paused, turning towards the door. "scene."

I rolled my eyes, playfully pushing Jade towards the door. "C'mon Jade." I told her before putting a hand on Tori, "It'll be fine Tor."

"Gulp." Tori said, looking away fearfully.

After class I had auditions, not an audition for me but for others

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After class I had auditions, not an audition for me but for others. I can dance, sing and direct, all of the above. But what I really love to do the most is act and because I was the lead in this play, my teacher wanted me to help with auditions for chemistry reasons, so along with one of Hollywood Art's many theater directors and a senior, we were holding auditions.

"All right. It's World War II, 1944. You're in a submarine, 1,700 feet down in the Atlantic Ocean and you're probably gonna die. Action." Paul explained. He said that every audition, and I laughed every time at his bluntness.

Currently my sister, Trina and my dear but poor friend Robbie were partnered up to audition. What's up with my sister and friends getting partnered up for things? Anyways I was sitting behind the desk, legs propped up waiting for them to start.

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