This boy had a tendency to leave me speechless and right now he had done it again. I never knew this piece of information, yet Shoaib, who probably hasn't prayed in about two years, was better educated than I was. It was a happy moment though because his knowledge was great and he seemed to only share this with me.

I watched him pray his Salah and a part of me was sad that I couldn't be beside him to pray. However my thoughts were cut short as he finished making his dua and stood up folding the mat, placing it back on the shelf.

"See that wasn't so bad was it?" I gave him a smile while he just stared at me and took his thobe off.

"Well it didn't kill me, if that's what you're referring to." A frown replaced my smile at what he had just said.

"Why do you have to be so negative all the time? I'm trying to help you here, at least be appreciative." I made my way out of the prayer room and into our own.

The sound of the door closing behind me made me turn around to see he was just inches away from me with a raised eyebrow. He was either amused by what I just said it found it disrespectful for me to be raising my voice like that.

"And what will you gain by trying to make me a better person. Honestly the thought has been bothering me this entire month. Today you're gonna sit and explain yourself." With that he took a seat on the bed and patted the seat next to him, waiting for me to follow his actions. And I did.

Taking a deep breath I started talking. "I'm not doing this to gain anything, as hard as that may be for you to understand. You shouldn't have to live your life like you are now, not in the remembrance of Allah. Are you happy doing drugs? Staying out late doing God knows what? Getting into underground fights? Maybe you don't see those things as bad but let me put it into perspective.

"You're damaged and you need help dear husband. The thought of you doing these things and one day not living through it is horrible - I mean how would your family feel if you don't come home one day? I care about you, so damn much and you need to sort yourself out or else you're going to find yourself so lost that you can't help yourself. At all."

By the time I was finished I was breathless and it was quite ironic how I was having to explain myself but not him. From where I was concerned, he was in the wrong, not me.

Again silence took over but I didn't know how to take it as. I poured my heart out in wanting to help him and even admitted that I cared about him. Despite his personality not being one to gush over or his dark aura, he was a good person - it would just take time for it to surface for others.

I looked over at him to see he was already staring at me. It was uncomfortable having him staring at me like that but I decided not to say anything. If anything he was probably trying to take in everything I had just said.

"What if it's already too late to help me though? Have you thought about that?" His question was barely within the human hearing range but luckily enough I heard him.

"I wouldn't know that unless I try. Give me some credit, I mean who'd wanna stick around your annoying ass other than me?" I teased and stuck my tongue out at him.

He noticed the change in mood and playfully he tried to grab me. It's a good thing I got up just in time, but seeing he did the same I left the room and ran down the stairs and into the living room hoping not to fall or damage the expensive looking house.

Stopping behind a sofa I saw he was right in front me wearing a smirk on his face. I felt like running away but the sofa was the only thing separating us and I moved I'm pretty sure he would have caught me. My silent debate got interrupted when I felt myself being pushed into the sofa. Looking up I glared at the culprit.

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