Chapter 19. The Perfect Plan

Start from the beginning

Eljin sniffed the air. 

He immediately regretted doing it for it was only the scent of Dycland and his female mate he smelled in the air. It irritated Eljin's nose. 

He sneezed quietly. "F ***  you, Dycland," he spat.

He stopped just when he's at the same position as the rock where the bird stays.

Eljin discovered that the rock is positioned perfectly to see the entrance of the cave behind the falls.

So this is why he's always on top of this rock, Eljin finally understood the bird. He's guarding the entrance.

Looking below the entrance of the cave, he saw rocks with sharp looking edges and too dangerous to rely on to get into the cave. 

The water behind the falls flows so hard that every wave slaps against the rocks back and forth. It made little whirlpools that look like it'll suck you deep in the water if you get in.

Now, he has another thing to report to Fritz. 

If they want the pups, they need to come up with a better idea than swimming in those whirlpools to infiltrate the cave.


The familiar voice made Eljin turn towards the sound.

Perched on top of one fat branch is the white raven looking down on him.

"Bird," he muttered. His mouth twitched in trying to stop from baring his fangs on him. Still, the fur on his back stood.

"Long time no see, child," said the bird.

Eljin frowned upon him. Child? 

"It seems that your chosen pair is working hard on his plan to make his wish come true," the bird continued.

Upon hearing the word wish, Eljin growled at the bird. 

"You," he said, glaring up at him, his gray eyes turning to color blue.

"Now, now," said the bird.

Or rather, the Man in the Moon. It used the bird's body to talk to him.

"I have good news for you," said the Man in the Moon.

"Go forth and tell the human that his gift for me is coming. Be ready by the night where the Moon shines brightest upon the land. Take my gift to the highest place in this land and offer it to me gladly. Then he can make one wish come true."

The bird went rigid and still after speaking. 

Eljin waited some more, wondering if the Man in the Moon would speak again through the bird but the bird spread its wings and flew off.

He watched the white raven glide down to its usual spot, the rock, where he last saw it. It landed on top of the rock smoothly and like being free from a spell, the raven blinked confusedly. 

As Eljin watched the bird squawk nervously while looking around, he replied the words the Man in the Moon spoke.

". . .gift. . ." Eljin muttered to himself, pondering over the word.

Unconsciously, he glanced at the cave's entrance. 

His eyes widened when he realized what the Man in the Moon meant. 

Impossible! The female Alpha is pregnant? This early? It's just three days! That's not possible! It's too early!

No, wait! Is this because of Fritz being the Amaranth? Is the old dude's in on Fritz's plan on this breeding project?

What? What?!

Feeling the emergency flooding his mind, Eljin left his stake-out duty and ran back to the dome's gate in haste.

I don't understand a thing about this godd****ed plan! I got to tell Fritz! F***! And here I was doubting his perfect plan! The old dude gives him too much blessing! Damn it!

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Sachen here - this is what the falls look like in my mind... ( ° 3°)

 ( ° 3°)

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