Bo nodded. "Yup, plus. I also have feelings for Buzz and Jesse, for years since I met them. And had laid eyes on them since then, until you showed your charms around towards me. Now that, made me fall for you more~ but I would still sometimes look at them when I had the chance to". She said smiling."I...I-I..uh...I mean, wow. I never knew you would have feelings for both of them, now I'm even more surprised about you. And, loving you more for understanding me". He said blushing bright red.

"Aww~ how sweet of you Woody. Your making me feel butterflies in my stomach of seeing your face like that". She chuckled. "Sh-Shut up! Your making me feel like this. God, how did I met such a beautiful woman like you to fall for me". He said. "Oh I don't know. Maybe it was fate who brought us here together~". She said. "Heh, yeah, maybe. I love you Bo". He said. "And I love you too Woody. Until death do us apart~". She laughed slightly.

Woody pouted. "Aw come on don't say that, now you just ruin the mood". He said. "Hahaha! Sorry sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I was just kidding. Come here". She said putting her hand to Woodys cheek. She leaned in close to him and pressed her lips against his. Woody fell for the kiss and kissed her back, now in a passionate way. Putting his hands around her waist while she wrapped hers around his neck.

They both enjoyed each other's company and their kisses from each other before letting go for air. Both of them looked deeply into their eyes for a moment. "Wow, your such a good kisser". She said. "Heh, thanks. Your not as bad your self here". He said kissing her on the forehead letting go. "Thanks Bo, for convincing me to talk about this to you". He said. "No problem Woody. You know I never hate you for that, I felt the same way". She said.

Woody chuckled. "I'm glad. But, do you think they would be alright with this as well?". He asked. "Who knows, we'll just have to wait and see once we meet them again one day. I bet they think about us as well just like we are to them". She said. "Yeah, your maybe right on that one". "And..maybe if they don't. Then they are missing out our true love for them. And that will be a bummer for Buzz and Jesse for turning us down, cause we will love each other more for you and me!". She said grabbing Woody by the waist and picking him up high of the air.

"Woah-ho! Bo, easy there! Hahah!". Woody laughed. Bo dropped Woody down carefully holding his hand. "Now come on, let's go and discover the world together!". She said forcing him to run with her as they climbed each top building from the fair. "Hahah! Yeehaw! Let's go on an adventure". He yelled now picking up the pace with her as they both smiled.


"Phew, glad we jumped here on time. And for Bonnie to finally go to sleep". Said Jesse in a low whisper. "Hmph...yeah. Everyone else is already going to sleep". Said Buzz. "Aren't you going to sleep too?". Asked Jesse. "No, I'm not tired yet. I'll keep a look out. In case there's trouble". He said walking up towards the back car window. Jesse looked at Buzz in concern, shaking her head and walking towards him looking at the window with him.

"What's wrong Buzz? Something the matter?". She said. Buzz sighs. "I miss Woody, I know I should be happy for him that he is finally free to be with Bo. But I just can't shake the feeling of what he was going to tell me right after we got interrupted. Now I'll never know". He said. Jesse felt sad for him, he grabbed his hand and looked at him. Buzz looked at her back seeing her smile in reassurance.

"It's alright Buzz, you will know. It's not like we're not going to see them again, one day we will. No matter when or where, we will always wait for them to meet us again. And to hang out with each other, just like old times. Just be patient and relax alright?". She said. Buzz smiled feeling better and relaxed from Jesse's words of encouragement.

He gripped her hand a little tight. "Thanks Jesse, I needed that. I love you". He said. "No problem Buzz. I love you too, your big dork". She chuckled before they both kissed each other on the lips.

In Korea.....

"Momma, I'm scared". Said the little girl holding her moms hand to hers. "Don't worry honey, I'm here for you. And trust me, your going to love your new home in the US. I promise I will do anything in my power to make you feel comfortable and at ease from our move. Alright sweetie". She said. "Alright momma, I trust you." She said. Her mom smiled and pecked her on the forehead before hugging her tightly. "Don't worry my dear princess. Everything will be alright, I'll make sure of it. Nothing will keep us apart". She said.

"Do you think Daddy is ok with this?". She asked. "Of course sweetheart, even if he is not here with us due to his work back home. He is sure he would want us to have the best life for us there at the US. To see great opportunities for you and me". She said. "You really think so?". She said. "I don't think so honey. I know so". She said smiling. "Haha, thanks momma. I love you so much". She said. "And I love you more sweetie". She said.

"We're almost going to be there okay, just one more hour and we'll be there for sure". She said. "Alright momma". "In the meantime, rest some more. I'll let you know once we get there". She said. The little girl nodded and rested her head on the airplane seat. ("Let's just hope my big sister will greet you very well my darling. And if not, I will make sure of it to treat you nicely and respectfully. My sweet little princess"). She thought to herself.

To be continued.....

(Hope you guys like this story and do feel free to comment on what type of names to name the girl. Cause I'm kind of terrible at it. Also, please don't write hate comments on my story, if none of y'all don't like the idea of me making polyamory relationship on Woody, Buzz, Bo or Jesse then leave and go find somewhere else to read cause this book might not be for you to enjoy or like. For the others who are okay with this, and have no problem with ploy relationships, be expected for more of this to happen. But I will focus more of this story of Woody and the little girl who would be his new kid owner. Thanks and have a good day or night!)

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