Oh and Benito was discharged yesterday, he's a good kid. I hope his dad takes his head out of his ass so he can be with his mom and sisters

Mercy and I had a bit of an incident a few days ago, which cost me my only opportunity to call home. We were just eating dinner when she started talking shit

She said it was no wonder my dad dumped me in here since I keep killing everyone I love. That he probably just wanted to keep me away so I don't do the same to his sons

I lost it, I got in her face and told her that she was no one to talk since her own mother signed her in and paid tons of money so they don't let her out until December so she can tour Europe with her new husband alone

She hit me, I hit back. She's got a mean hook and left me with a bruised cheekbone though

That was it. I mean I was pissed at first, but I have to understand the girl had a tough week. It's no excuse to talk the way she did, as Victoria said, but Mercy got a call that her granny died

Apparently the woman was the only person who ever showed her love and kindness

Victoria made us sit through counseling, and now we're fine. Not friends but we're the only girls our age here so it's sort of an alliance

"Are you calling that guy Oliver on your absolution day?"

Okay we're not friends but I did tell her about Ollie. I wiggle uncomfortably on my chair

"I don't know" I shrug

I do know. I will call him. I need to

"Seriously? Why, are you scared?" She chuckles and I huff

"Of course not"

I am. I really am scared, how do you call the guy you selfishly asked to fuck you, then cost him his scholarship, hockey career, reputation and half his family relationships when no one believed he wasn't the one to hit and rape you?

And then when everyone said you lied about getting assaulted, he was shamed for ever putting it inside you, the girl labeled as "the slum trash who likes it rough and made up a story to hide it, killing the daughter of the town's most liked family in the process"

There's no coming back from that, is it? There's also the possibility that the number I have — that Rune was instructed by Victoria to pass along — isn't even his number now

He left that demon infested town, got into a new school and I don't even know where. It's likely he changed his number again too

He'd changed it after everything went down because he was getting inappropriate calls and messages and he gave the new one to Rune

"In case you ever need a friend...or a getaway car" he told Rune. Because that's the kind of guy he is, though my twin said he extended the offer to me when they talked...I don't think that's true

But anyway, I guess we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it

Day 12
Absolution day

The bridge is on fire, crumbling and holding on by a thread. I can't cross it...I don't need to right?

"Stop freaking out, you're going to scratch a hole into your scalp if you don't stop fussing over your hair" Victoria snaps

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