New Guardians

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"Darkness... That's the first thing we remember. It was dark, and it was cold, and we were scared. But then, then we saw the moon - it was so big, and it was so bright, it seemed to chase the darkness away." Jack and (Y/n) gasp as they come out from the water. "And when it did, we weren't scared anymore. Why we were there and what we were meant to do... that we'd never know... and a part of us wonders if we ever will." Jack and (Y/n) discover their ice powers using their staffs before crashing into some trees. They breeze into a small village. Folk music can be heard. Jack and (Y/n) shout as they land ungracefully. "Hello. Hello!" Jack waved. "Good evening, ma'am." (Y/n) said. "Ma'am. Oh! Ah-ah excuse me, can you tell us where we are-" a villager passes through them. They gasp. "Hello?" (Y/n) asked. Our names are Jack Frost and (Y/n) Frost. How do we know that? The moon told us so. That was all he ever told us. And that was a long, long time ago.

300 years later

North Pole

A man with a white beard was humming as he used a chainsaw for some ice blocks, laughing a bit. "Still waiting for cookies!" he then told the elves. One elf seemed to have his mouth full while another carried a plate of cookies. The man continued what he was doing. "Finally!" He grinned as he had made a trainset out of ice and even made the train fly in the air like a plane as it flew around the room before getting smashed suddenly by the open door as a furry monster known as a yeti was at the door, shouting and panicking. Both screamed until the man looked annoyed. "How many times have I told you to knock?" The man glared. "Have you checked the axis? Is rotation balanced?" The yeti growled. A certain blackened figure appeared before chuckling and disappearing. "Can it be..?" North gasped. "Dingle! Make preparations. We're going to have company." He told one of his elves. Each guardian saw the aurora borealis and went to the North Pole. "My fellow Guardians, it is our job to watch over the children of the world, and keep them safe, to bring wonder, hope, and dreams... And so, I've called us all here for one reason, and one reason only: the children are in danger." North said. "An enemy we have kept at bay for centuries has finally decided to strike back! We alone who can stop him," he went to offer them some refreshments. "Cookies? Eggnog? Anyone?" "This better be good, North." The bunny grumbled. "Sandy! Thank you for coming." North beamed as the Sandman came in. Sandy soon began to gesture at him. "I know, I know, but I obviously wouldn't have called you all here unless it was serious!" North replied. "The Boogeyman was here! At the Pole!" "Huh? Pitch? Pitch Black? Here?" Tooth gasped. "Yes... There was black sand covering the globe." North explained. "W-W-What, whadya mean black sand?" Bunny asked. "And then, a shadow!" North continued. "Whoa. Whoa. Hold on, I thought you said you saw Pitch." Bunny replied. "Not exactly." North smiled sheepishly. "Not exactly?!" Bunny rolled his eyes. "Can you believe this guy?" Sandy responded with a question mark. "Yeah, you said it, Sandy." Bunny nodded. "Look, he's up to something very bad." North defended. "I feel it... In my belly!" "Hang on, hang on... Y-You mean to say, you summoned me here three days before Easter because of your belly?!" Bunny scoffed. "Mate, if I did this to you three days before Christmas-" "Please, Bunny, Easter is not Christmas!" North retorted. "Here we go..." Bunny rolled his eyes. "North, I-I don't have time for this! I still have 2 billion eggs to finish up!" Sandy saw the full moon and tried to get North and Bunny's attention. "No matter how much you paint, is still egg." North retorted. "Look, mate! I'm dealing with perishables!" Bunny defended. 

"Right, you've got all year to prepare!" "Ontario, Sector 9, five canines, two molars, and 14 incisors-" Tooth began to list. "Why are rabbits always so nervous?" North glared. "Is that all in one house?" Tooth wondered. "And why are you always such a blowhard?" Bunny retorted. "Tooth! Can't you see we're trying to argue?" North asked. "Sorry! Not all of us get to work one night a year, am I right, Sandy?" Tooth asked. "Huh! Sandiego, sector 2-" "Come on, mate, Pitch went out with the Dark Ages, huh?" Bunny told North. "We made sure of it." "I know it was him." North retorted as an elf walked by. "We have a serious situation." "Well, I have a serious situation with some eggs!" Bunny glared. Sandy took the elf and began to shake his bell and pointed to get North, Bunny, and Tooth's attention. "Ah! Man in Moon!" North gasped. "Sandy, why didn't you say something?" Sandy let out a frustrated sigh. "It's been a long time, old friend!" North chuckled. "What is big news?" The Man in the Moon soon shined a light on his Guardian emblem, with the shadow becoming a hauntingly familiar figure. "It is Pitch..." Bunny muttered. "Manny, what must we do?" North asked. The Man in the Moon showed the Guardian plate and opening it up to reveal a crystal embedded in rock rising from the floor. "Uh, guys, you know what this means?" Tooth asked the others. "He's choosing a new Guardian..." North realized. "What?! Why?" Bunny gaasped. "Must be big deal." North guessed. "Manny thinks we need help." "I wonder who it's gonna be?" Tooth asked in excitement. "Maybe the Leprechaun?" Sandy held out a four-leafed clover over his head. "Please not the Groundhog, please not the Groundhog..." Bunny begged. Manny soon shaped the light above the crystal and showed two certain humanoid figures. "Jack and (Y/n) Frost?" North asked. "Uh, I take it back," Bunny then said. "The Groundhog's fine." Tooth and her fairies were swooning before she controlled herself. "I mean as long as they help protect the kids, right?" she smiled innocently. "Jack and (Y/n) Frost?! Th- they don't care about children!" Bunny complained. "All they do is freeze water pipes and mess with my egg hunts!" Bunny explained. "Alright? They're irresponsible, selfish-" Bunny ranted. "Guardians." North smiled. "Jack and (Y/n) Frost are many things, but they are not guardians!" Bunny protested.

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