💗Chapter 5💗

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Guide (since I think it's needed):

Y/N's (and other people's) thoughts
Y/N's (and other people's) Daydreams/Dreams
Saiki's thoughts
"Saiki speaking with telepathy"
"Saiki speaking with his mouth"
"Saiki speaking to Y/N directly"

~💗~ = time skip
~|💓💗💓|~ = segment change


~Author's POV~

Saiki walks down the street alone, Hm? So that's the house of fortune-telling? He stare at the long line, watching a group of girls squeal excitedly.

"Well, how was it, Kiyomi?"
"Ok, get this! She said that I was fated to be with Kento Yamazaki!"

Well, as long as it makes them happy, I guess that's all that matters. Saiki looks at the line, he pauses when he notices you. Y/N? What's she doing here? You pull your hood further over your face, Normally I wouldn't trust these type of places...but if Ku's powers are real. This lady's might be too. Beside, all I want to know is one thing. If it seems sketchy, I can always leave. I hope this is worth it. I left school early just so I wouldn't have to explain where I was going...Your cheeks redden in embarrassment.

A girl runs out the building squealing, "She said I was going to go out with Kento Yamazaki!" She says excitedly. Kento Yamazaki is cheating on you. Saiki thinks, watching the girl run off. You tense up nervously, It's my turn. Let's see how this goes. You slowly walk into the building. Saiki sighs, Well, I'm already here. Might as well check the place out. He turns himself invisible and follow behind you.

You pull the hood off your head as you walk into a dimly lit room, a lady smiles at you, "Welcome to the house of fortune-telling. Please have a seat." She says. "Y-yeah, ok..." You say with a nervous smile. You take a seat in front of her, Saiki looks around with an unimpressed look, This place is so cliche. I expect better from you, N/N. "My name is Mikiko Clairvoyance and it is a true pleasure to read you today. Now why did you come here to seek my advice?" The lady asks. Even her name is suspicious... "Uh..." You look around the room.

This lady seems off. Maybe she's a normie like the rest of us. There is only one Ku. Saiki lets out a silent chuckle, but his face remains blank. Looks like she's not impressed either. "Oh my, I'm getting a very broken aura from you." Mikiko states with a concerned frown, you shoot her a confused look "A broken aura? What does that mean?" You ask, frowning nervously. "People abandon you a lot, huh? Family, friends—you're used to being a party of one, aren't you?" Mikiko asks.

You frown, Not really true. I follow Ku around all the time, so I don't have to be alone. Now his parents treat like their future daughter-in-law...I'm always in Ku's face. I'm not really sure if I've gotten on Ku's nerves yet. Saiki stares at you "Or at least, that's how to used to be," Mikiko quickly corrects, your eyes widen a little "Yes. You've found someone special to fill that void, but you're so used to people leaving, that you're worried they won't stick around much longer either." You stare at her in shock, And now she's sees right through you. Saiki's face twitches into a small frown, Mikiko smirks a little. I see, this girl's desperate for friends. Desperate to know that she'll be ok, this will be too easy. She thinks to herself.

"Something else is troubling you."
"I guess you could say that." (How does she know that?)

People without troubles don't come here.

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