"What? What is it?" Zari looked at Spike and stepped back, raising her hands.

"Calm down, tiger. I think I hear someone in the vicinity. Someone familiar," he confessed and followed the voice. Both of them crossed the churchyard and came up to a smaller building next to it. There was a small front yard protected by iron bars in which some children played with each other. The board on the entrance spelled Oakwood Orphanage. As Zari and Spike advanced, they saw a familiar figure among the kids. The hood on the figure was off, revealing her feline ears and silver hair. She moved around the kids with ease, as if nothing else mattered. It was unlike her, or at least that's what Spike and Zari had concluded after seeing her on the train for the first time. She had been scared and closed off, but not anymore. The sight brought a faint smile to Spike's face and he decided to approach Saya.

"Hey! Hey, hoodie girl," Spike called out, jogging toward the iron bars while Zari walked at her usual pace.

"Uh," Saya looked around and pulled her hood up to her head.

"You don't have to do that every time you see me," Spike shook his head, leaning on the bar. The kids glanced at the boy and then at their friend Saya. Their giggles startled her and she started gathering them into one spot.

"C'mon. That's enough for today. You guys need breakfast. I'll come to see you again tomorrow, alright? Let's go in," Saya said, eyeing Spike who was looking at her with a relentless gaze.

"Alrighty then..." Spike sensed that his presence was unwanted and decided to turn around.

"Could you be any weirder? You creeped her out," Zari approached her not-so-subtle partner with crossed arms. For some reason, Spike took it as a hint and turned back around toward Saya.

"A smile looks great on you, by the way!" he exclaimed and walked away, leaving Zari and Saya sharing an awkward glance. Both of them shared a look, and as Saya walked into the building, her face beet red, Zari followed Spike.

Upon approaching him, she nudged him with her elbow, asking for an explanation.

"Ouch! What do you want from me, woman? First, you yell at me, and now you're manhandling me?" Spike gasped dramatically.

"What was it back there? Do you know this girl? Is there a reason she was on that train?

"That's Saya. She had been tailing me for some time. I was concerned at first, but considering how conspicuous she has been and what a softie she is, I'm not worried about her now," he explained. Before Zari could ask anything else, Spike's phone buzzed.

"Hello?" he said and walked a few steps away from Zari. As he mumbled into his phone, Zari dove into her thoughts. If she was to work with this person, she had to stop doubting him every step of the way. The only chance that she could find her brother was if this guild became successful. With these thoughts circling her mind, she decided to go forward with a fresh and clear approach. When Spike came back, she had prepared a proper apology, but his face stopped her.

"I got a lead," he said with a proud look in his eyes.

"Did you find Zayne? Is he alright? Where is he??" Zari jumped in excitement and leaped toward Spike. As he swung back from the impact, a soft "No" left his mouth, forcing Zari to detach herself from his immediately.

"Uh," her face grew rosy as she collected herself.

"The Commander of the Grey Outpost may have some information on your brother. Meanwhile, I got us a job as well," Spike cleared his throat, putting both hands awkwardly on his hips. Though he had been around the world for longer than anyone else, it had been ages since he was embraced with such passion. Before the goosebumps on his arms could tell the story of his heart, he looked at his phone screen and started reading.

"We have to meet with an Aron near the Greywoods. He has some supplies for us to take to Grey Outpost. It will give us enough money to buy some essentials to complete this trip easily. The sooner we get that delivery to its destination, the better chance we have of finding your brother," Spike nodded and slipped his phone back into his pocket.

"Okay. Let's do this." Zari nodded her head. The two of them walked back to the cottage to collect some essentials before heading toward the Greywoods. Spike had laid out a new outfit on her bed. White capri pants, brown boots, and a thick brown belt. The shirt was a tunic. It was white, had no sleeves, and two sashes that started at the shoulder crossed over her breasts, and fell to her hips. After dressing and adjusting the belt to hold the sashes in, she stood in front of a mirror.

She didn't look like herself. And she liked it. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt this good looking at herself in the mirror. This was her now. I'm a mystic.

Spike had packed almost everything in his bag—from food supplies to daggers to mosquito repellent. Being a wise, powerful mystic didn't stop him from taking human precautions. It amused Zari but also made her believe in him all the more. Then again, she had no clue how many knives and guns were stashed in his long, dark coat.

"What? I might have a lot of power but mosquitoes still bite me." Zari wiped the smirk off her face, amused, and they began their journey toward the Greywoods.

"Thank you for this by the way," she said fingering one of the tunic sashes.

"You're welcome. I figured you should dress like a mystic now. You're one of us."


The sky had turned to a beautiful azure when they approached Aron, a short fellman with a patchy beard and a head full of curly hair. He leaned against his small, red, boxy car, chewing on something he had picked up off the side of the road.

"Spike? Ye young bastard, how is it that I have only grown older and ye don't even age a bit, eh? How long has it been?" he spits out a green stick and scanned Spike.

"C'mon. Stop flattering me. Give me the supplies so I can be on my way." Spike crossed his arms while Zari stood by his side, confused at the little man's attitude.

"Lookie whooo," the man whistled, looking at Zari. As he tried to step up, Spike stepped in front of Zari.

"Need I remind you what happened last time you tried to waste my time?" Spike spoke through gritted teeth. Though he wasn't taller than Zari, his demeanor was enough to scare the little man away. As he took little steps back and opened the trunk, Zari breathed a sigh.

"I'd help you take these out, but you see, I'm short of hands," the man chuckled and stood aside. Spike rolled his eyes and slung the two duffel bags onto his shoulders without any effort. He slammed the trunk, shook the little man's hairy hand, and walked away with Zari.

"So...what'd you do to him last time?" Zari could not help but ask as they moved toward the Greywoods.

"Nothing. Just know that his beard wasn't that patchy when I met him," he smirked, looking ahead.

"You burned his beard?" Zari asked, letting out an involuntary chuckle. As they shared the hysterical moment, the journey of their guild commenced.     

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