She went to the bathroom across the hall and turned on the sink. She cupped her hands under the warm running water and splashed her face a couple of times. Jane dried her face and made her way downstairs to the kitchen.

"You're so dramatic." She told herself aloud as she grabbed milk from the refrigerator. "You always do this." She grabbed a bowl and poured in cereal from the pantry. "And this is why all your friends move on." Jane poured cereal into the bowl. "And leave you- FUCK!" She over filled  the milk, spilling it on the counter.

She ran over to the paper towels to grab a few and throw them on the spill. Just as soon as she laid the towels down to soak up the milk, there was a knock at the door.

Jane reluctantly went over to open it, not even caring to check the window. If it was some sort of insane murderer, she'd probably be content with that.

"Kat?" Jane's eyes practically dropped out of her sockets. This was the last person she wanted to see right now. Even though she was kinda pretty. Really pretty. With her fine, black hair and bangs that just barely touched her eyebrow. It went down just below her ears, which perfectly shaped her face that was a little rosy from the summer night's chill.

Kathryn let herself inside the house while Jane stood there in shock, though she stayed in front of the door just in case it was too awkward and she had to make a run for it.

"Uh-ok so before I start, I just wanted to apologize. I crossed the line last week and I made you uncomfortable. Jane, I really like you you know? I mean just as a person in general. I don't want to lose you as a friend, and I probably should've thought about that before making things awkward- Jane are you gonna say anything?" Kathryn interrupted herself.

Jane stood there, looking into Kathryn's dark eyes, with nothing but admiration in her own.


Before she could stop herself or even realize what she was doing, Jane took Kathryn's cheek into her hand and pulled her into a kiss. It wasn't anything very intimate, more like a peck that lasted a few moments.

"Shit- I'm sorry, did I read the situation wrong?!" Jane panicked.

"NO! I mean- no. That was fine! It was nice." A blush rushed over her face.

"Kat, I'm sorry it took me so long to think about things. I really like you too. I just didn't have the guts to admit it to you, let alone myself."

"And that's perfectly fine Jane, to take your time the way you did. It was just me being paranoid and thinking that you hated me." She chuckled nervously." "I was kinda taking a risk asking you out so openly like that. I didn't know if- Well, you know."

"Yeah." Jane grinned. "Well come on, come inside. We can hang out until my dad gets home. I've missed you. Like a lot." She grinned.

"I missed you too."



Will woke up to the bright morning sun in his eyes except- Wait. He had fallen asleep on the couch last night. He was alone though, so he assumed him mom went to her room.

He went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He felt like an old man getting up because of how awkwardly he slept on the couch. After finishing the water, Will decided to take a shower.

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