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One | A Bitter Taste

There was a knock on my door, and I was very thankful that there were peepholes to peer out of

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There was a knock on my door, and I was very thankful that there were peepholes to peer out of. I was almost positive that a terrorist wouldn't be able to enter the dorm buildings with the amount of security out front, but I was always paranoid for some reason. Most likely because of my undying interest in serial killers. You can't blame me for taking an interest in the lives of serial killers, I mean, they're just so interesting. Could you imagine knowing a serial killer?

Thankfully, through the peephole, I spotted West. I opened the door, and couldn't stop him before he was barging through and sitting down on my bed.

"Harrison!" He sat with his legs hanging off the side of the bed, feet touching the floor. "I am here to pitch you something. And you have to hear me out!"

I sighed and sat down at my desk, facing West. "What is it?"

"Tomorrow, we go back to school, and I am still upset that I didn't get to spend the entire summer being a moron with you. My parents had the audacity to fly me home for an entire month, I mean, how selfish is that? Ugh. Whatever, on with the point. I am not okay with the fact that we have to go back tomorrow. So, why not party?" West said, grinning. "Jason invited me to a party tonight and I am definitely going, so therefore, you are too!"

I held back a groan. "West, I don't want to go to a college party. Or should I say another college party? The past two times there was that guy, Dean, who kept hitting on me, and he's honestly freaking me out."

"And he was hot!" he argued.

"That's your opinion. He was cocky and an ass. For me, that automatically cancels out your looks," I said. "West, I'm not going. I'll chain myself to the bed and you won't be able to pull me out because you're not strong enough! Plus, I have lots of things to get done. You know I procrastinate."

"We all procrastinate, Harry! But you need to have some fun before we go back to school and are tortured with homework and tests!" West exclaimed. "I am feeling super depressed about school tomorrow. Please, come with me tonight."


West's eyes suddenly went wide and he covered his mouth with his hand. "Shit, is it because I said depressed? Did that-"

I interrupted him. "It's not because you said depressed, West. It's just a word, everybody says it. I don't want to go because I actually have a fuck ton of homework to do before tomorrow."

West groaned and said, "Fine. Whatever. Be a party pooper, but I'm definitely going."

I didn't mind the occasional party, but getting shit-faced the night before the first day of junior year? That definitely wasn't the move. West then proceeded to sigh deeply and move his legs on the bed so that he was sitting criss-cross-applesauce. For such a tall guy, it was weird that it was comfortable for him to sit in such a compact position.

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