CROSS SUIT - acknowledgments

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Thank you to my family—my biggest promoters, fiercest fans, and most loyal buyers. To see you not only purchasing my novels but actually reading and enjoying them is a constant source of joy.

To my best friends, who listen to my insane stories and inspire me to create more, and without whom I wouldn't have the guts to share any of this stuff with anyone.

To my boyfriend, whose arrival into my life has done nothing but fuel my creativity. You've proven to me that I can have my passions and the love of my life, and that happiness is a real thing.

To my betas: Reanna, Lisa, Magic, and Tina, thank you for all your comments and excitement, and for believing in my craft. Your advice and insight have been incredibly helpful and I value you all so much!

To my readers, the few of you lurking out there—I love you, and remember that I do this for you!

To other authors, especially my fellow "indies," I must once again thank you. Whenever I have doubts, you all exit your caves and dungeons and lift me up, remind me to believe in myself, and keep me thinking positively.

And finally, to Daddy—I know wherever you are, you're boasting about my minor successes while sharing your terrible jokes and cracking everyone up. I miss you and love you.


Welcome back to the SUITS universe! I hope you're ready for another wild ride :) 

Here, we'll be changing POV's (every novella will feature a different POV character) but you'll still see Teodric & Ysac, I promise (they were fan favorites while this series was self-published). This one is a little slower-going, but trust me when I tell you the twists & turns will be worth it.

Enjoy ♠

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