631 18 7

( Rrrr -- Rrrr -- )

The sound of an alarm from my beloved cell phone rang through the room. It was also the only sound that forced me to open my eyes every morning.

But today is more special than any other day. Don't have to rush out of bed, wash face, brush teeth and huddle with people on the train. Because today is sunday. I don't have to work, nothing to be late for work, but I shouldn't be sleeping any more.

There is a place to go and a precious person is waiting.

But what's more important now may be to pay for the room. The building owner put a bill with my name under the door.

<Botkawi, Room 311>

There is only one Botkawee in this building, and my real name comes from the word kawee(poet), which is like my nickname.

I don't know where my mother was inspired when named it. My old friends used to tease me about my name being weird. But the funny thing is I never thought about changing my name. Anyway, this name has been following me for 30 years.

What does a thirty year old man need? You'll see this question a lot on forums or social media. I don't know what other people think, but I want to be faithful to my life.

First, I'm still single.

And second, there is no particular reason to start a family with someone.

First of all, I have to live in the present. After brushing my teeth, washing my face, and taking a shower, stepping out in front of 7-Eleven. Buy footlong cheese and red pork buns to satiate my hunger. Nearby a famous chicken rice restaurant opened so I didn't forget to order a special takeout for my room as usual.

Now just waiting.

I woke up at 10 in the morning, but The time I have to go there is... It is 6 afternoon. why I woke up so early?

At 4 p.m., I opened the wardrob and took out the gray suit rented two days ago. And check the neatness of my face and hair again.

"Fucking handsome..."

After a self-praise, I left the room with an old wallet and a useless cell phone.

I have a plan to meet an important person at a luxury hotel. But before arriving, I have to prepare a special bouquet for that person.

To be honest, I didn't know much about flower shops, so I had no choice but to rely on Google as always. There is a flower shop about 1km away from the dormitory. 'Turn left into the alley and look at the store at the end of the corner.'

When Google Maps said so, I started walking without hesitation. Although there was no clear schedule But I had to go in time. So I re-examined the information I had in mind. From here, I have to take a train and pass six stations, Then have to ride a motorcycle to the hotel again.

Well, I will talk about this later. I think I should focus on the flower shop first.

"Go straight for 300 meters."

my eyes were fixed on the map of cell phone, and I mumbled nervously. A little further, "Sweet Garden" that I've been looking for store will be out front.

It says on the review page that none of the shops offer bouquets as beautifully as this one. In addition, the price is cheap, so it is suitable for people with thin wallets like me.

"50 meters more... 10 meters more... Go straight from here..."

The cell phone screen informed me that I had arrived at my destination.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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