Chapter 37: The Rainbooms' New Magical Powers

Start from the beginning

Sunset Shimmer: "Oookaay. Why don't you lay off touching the stuff for awhile?" She suggested to Pinkie.

F/N: "Hmmm, I wonder." You said and grabbed an small handful of sprinkles.

Sour Sweet: "What are you doing F/N?"

F/N: "Just testing something." You said and threw the sprinkles into the air then they started to glow in an aura of your favourite colour and exploded which surprised everyone.

Twilight Sparkle: "You can do it too?"

F/N: "Apparently so."

Fluttershy: "Oh dear. We really should clean all of this up." She said and went up to a shelf to grab the paper towels but they are too high for her. "Can someone help me up?"

F/N: "Here, let me help." You said as you went up to the shelf and used your magic to levitate the paper towels off of the shelf and handed them to Fluttershy. "There you go."

Fluttershy: "Thank you F/N." She said with a smile and hugged you.

F/N: "It's nothing." You tell Fluttershy and stroked her pink hair and kissed her forehead.

Fluttershy then spots a bird flying in and it's land on her finger.

Constance: "Excuse me miss. Do you mind if you could find me something to eat?" The bird said. [AN: According to the transcript of the Legend of Everfree on MLP wikia, the bird's name is Constance.]

Fluttershy: "Why of course I can get you a little something-" She said before she gasped in realiztion. "Did you just talk?" She asked the bird.

Constance: "I did."

Fluttershy: "But I don't speak chirp."

F/N: "It's not just you Fluttershy. I can understand the bird too."

Fluttershy: "Really F/N?"

Constance: "Yeah but maybe it's not just me."

Fluttershy: "But I don't know if you're the only bird we can understand."

Constance: "Let me call my friends to see."

Fluttershy: "Oh no! Please don't call for your friends."


Just then, an bunch of birds fly through the cafeteria, surprising everyone and the birds land on Fluttershy's arms and a few land on yours.

Fluttershy: "It's nice to meet all of you too." She tells the birds.

F/N: "Yeah I agree."

Sunset Shimmer: "Were you just talking to the birds?" She asked Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: "Um, yes?"

F/N: "I did too. Somehow me and Fluttershy can understand animals."

Sour Sweet: "I wish I could do that." She muttered.

Then the cafeteria suddenly opens loudly which made Fluttershy scream and sent the birds flying away. You all looked to see it was Rarity, Applejack, Sugarcoat, Indigo Zap and Sunny Flare.

Applejack: "Did ya tell them what happened? So crazy! I hoisted Rarity up the rock climbin' wall like it was nothin'! Like I had way more strength than I usually do." She explained.

Rarity: "And I made a diamondy thing appear out of nowhere which normally I'd be excitied about. I mean the facets were just perfect and the-"

Applejack: "Rarity!"

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