2: Helpful Hanging Out

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Herb was quite busy today, he had to help Carrot and Beetroot on their farm. So he quickly started watering the greenhouse's plants.

While Herb had work, Sparkling didn't. And vampire practically dragged him to Herbs house.

Herb noticed the two walking to his house, walking to Herb's door, not noticing that Herb was in the greenhouse. He walked out and called them over.

"Need something?" Herb grinned as he took what looked like a really heavy bag of fertilizer easily. Which surprised the two, Herb looked really weak, but it's normal he'd be strong. Especially since he works alone.

"Well sparkling here has a day off and we went to visit you, although we can come another time if you're busy" Vampire practically spoke for Sparkling. He quietly nodded as Vampire took the lead.

"Ah, I'm sorry.. I promised to help with farm work with Carrot and Beetroot." Herb really wanted to hang out with Sparkling and Vampire, scrambling in his mind to make an exception.

"..But! The two did say we'd start after lunch, so we can head inside my house" herb quickly finished tending to his plants.

Herb lead the way, while Vampire and Sparkling whispered to each other.

"I'll have to bail after a while, Al' wants me home so I can test some things out." Sparkling groaned and nodded.

When they entered, they saw lots of plants plastered around. Yet it didn't feel messy, it was charming.

"S-Sorry for the mess." Herb noticed them look around, leading him to feel as if the excessive use of plants was bad.

"It's fine, it looks really nice actually." Sparkling tried to finally speak. Herb sighed in relief to this remark.

He lead the group into his living room, and it was surprisingly cozy.

"I'll get to cooking, it's just over there. So we can talk while I cook." Sparkling's eyes followed where Herb pointed to find a warmly lit kitchen. Vampire then looked at the time.

"Hey, sorry. I really need to get to testing my sister's alchemy." Vampire apologized, but gave sparkling a look of 'good luck' sparkling just rolled his eyes and gave him a nod.

"So, uh.. anything happen last night?" Herb asked while opening the fridge to get a few vegetables and meat. "Just lots of customers again, it isn't too tiring. But I do enjoy my day offs" Sparkling enjoyed his job, but it gets repetitive sometimes. "That's nice" Herb grabbed a pan.

"What about you?" Sparkling asked, while he observed Herb cook.

"I just talked to Clover, him and Licorice are on a trip. So I can really only call him at the moment." Sparkling didn't know Clover and Licorice were dating. "Oh, they're dating?" Herb hummed an "mhm" after turning off the stove. He then walked to the chopping board, and took a knife out of the knife block.

"You look so carefree when you cook.." Sparkling continued to observe Herb. But Herb grew red hearing this, yet continued to chop the vegetables. "I enjoy cooking, what kind of meals do you enjoy?"

Sparkling thought about this, "I like anything really, can't be picky" he shrugged and thought to walk into the kitchen.

"Want help?" Herb just stared at the bartender, nodded and went back to the stove.

"I know it's out of the blue, but do you think Carrot and Beetroot would mind if I helped too?" Herb was taken aback at Sparkling suddenly offering help. "Maybe, Carrot always talks about wanting to make the largest carrot farm. So I'm sure she'll appreciate it."

Sparkling cheered in his mind, but he was quick to mince the vegetables and bought the vegetables to Herb


"Knock knock knock" Herb answered the door with a plate of his meal, "Hello!" Carrot greeted Herb, and talked about farm work. Beetroot on the other hand, had a container of Carrot and hers lunch.

"Oh! Sparkling also wants to help, is that okay?" She nodded, happy to accept more help, yet with a smug look, she whispered, "So sudden, why?" Herb shushed her but still answered with a nod.

Carrot and Beetroot sat down with Sparkling, giving space for Herb to sit down near sparkling.

'They obviously know what they're doing.' Herb thought, but sat down anyway.

They ate while laughing about different topics.


As they walked to Carrot's farm, Herb and Sparkling were having a conversation while following Carrot's lead

"You need to teach me what you cooked back there" Sparkling whined to Herb, causing the gardener to laugh just a bit. "Alright alright,"

He picked up a piece of paper and a pen, scrambled his number onto it and handed it to Sparkling. "Just call me when you wanna learn" Herb grinned and shuffled to put the pen back.

"Ooh, sweet!" Sparkling kept his cool on the outside, but he was trying really hard not to celebrate in the unintentional success in getting Herbs phone number

Meanwhile, the farm couple just snickered and took a few glances at the pair behind them.

Getting to the farm, beetroot left to get hoses, fertilizer and other seeds. Carrot gave a quick explanation of what their plan is, before running off to help Beetroot.

"You were not kidding about how big it was..!" Sparkling stared at acres of farmland, dreading how long they might take to tend to most of it.

As Sparkling felt the dread slowly sink in, Herb giddly calculated how long they might go for, everytime the two ask for Herb's help on the farm they usually don't need to worry as much.

Beetroot and Carrot came back with loads of equipment, Sparkling and Herb took it from there to set it all up.

"So much work to do..!" Herb happily attached the hoses a bit loose in his hurry, while testing it out, water spewed onto Sparkling's face.

"Oh my god- I'm so sorry-" Herb covered his mouth before shaking his head and properly attaching the hoses.

Sparkling laughed, wiping his face with his sleeves and slicking his wet hair back. Herb apologized over and over again, guiltily walking back to the girls while Sparkling comforted him through small chuckles.

"What took you so long- ah- do you need a towel..?" Beetroot suddenly became concerned, not even an hour in as well.

"No no, it's fine, it was just my face anyway" Sparkling reassured as Herb sheepishly tried to sign Beetroot to get a towel either way.

"Alright.." Beetroot handed them the ends of the hoses, before catching up to Carrot to plant some excess seeds and add fertilizer to some of the dirt in different acres.


After several hours, almost becoming dark, they had finished all the farm work.

Beetroot handed Sparkling and Herb a few towels, before speedwalking to her girlfriend to give her a towel too.

"That was a lot more work than I expected" Herb huffed and used the towel to wipe his sweat.

"I'm more impressed with how much work we got done" Sparkling did the same as Herb, and Carrot interrupted.

"Thanks for your help, are you guys staying for dinner or?"

"Oh, I hadn't realized the time." Herb looked at Sparkling as if to see what he'll say.

"If it's alright with you two..?" Sparkling didn't have work tomorrow either, so he didn't need to worry much.

Carrot cookie signalled the two to come inside. Gave her girlfriend a peck on the cheek and they all walked in.

Any feedback? <3

Word count: 1244

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