Chapter two

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After spending the whole afternoon on the beach with Gabriela, I went upstairs to the hotel room.  In the evening we will go to a nearby club.  I'm not a fan of clubs and noise, but sometimes we have to get out of our comfort zone.  So, as I was saying, it's time to see what I'm wearing.  I don't have club clothes, it's my first time going to the club.  Gabriela must have something I can wear.
With particular security, I go to look for a dress in Gabriela's luggage.
Something interesting?
Of course not, she only has clothes the size of a palm.  I'm far too modest to wear this.  I rummage around hoping to find something even remotely my style, but to no avail.
Finally, out of my sister's thousands of dresses, I choose a fitted latex dress with a considerable opening on the right leg.  The bust part is made of a fine material.  The dress reaches above my knees.  The neckline is not too big, but not too small.  It's perfect.
Gabriela will be terribly upset about this.  She never let me borrow his clothes, even though I'm older and it sounds weird.  We are the same height.  We are almost identical.  The only differences are in behavior and age.  Otherwise, we are similar.
Now, being between us, as if it has forms.  I don't know what either, but she thinks she's related to the Kardashians.
Finally, Gabriela makes her presence felt in the room.
- what the hell are you doing with my dress?

- am I wearing it?

- put that down, you're widening it!

-oh please!  Seriously, you know I don't have club clothes!  You have so many dresses, you can choose another one.  I already chose this one.

I say and take the dress with me into the bathroom.  I try it.  It fits me perfectly.
It's not much longer and we have to go.  Mom and Dad are somewhere on a terrace not far from the beach.  Even if I don't have interesting dresses, I have the right shoes for the chosen dress.  I chose for her a pair of high boots, also made of latex, which reach somewhere below the knee.  I look gorgeous.  I've never felt so good about myself.  After finishing my makeup I leave the bathroom.  Gabriela chose a black velvet mini dress.  On her feet is a pair of heels that go well with the dress.  When we're both ready, we head out the door.  When we left the hotel we saw people running, but we thought maybe they were just playing sports.  We continued our way to the club, where we passed the terrace where our parents were.  They got very close, we heard two shots.
-Siara... I say let's go back.  It doesn't sound good.  Come on!  Gabriela says super scared.

- no, you go, I want to see what happens.  I say and run towards the terrace.

What I see there marks me forever... It was Dad.  It was dad on the floor in a big pool of blood.  He was shot in the chest... I would later understand that this was for the best.

My mom was beside him, grieving, desperate, lost.  Everyone around was screaming, screaming for help.  He wasn't the only one injured.  After hearing what happened, I was a bit stunned.  A certain individual came to the terrace, consumed a pint of beer, exchanged words with the waiter and left.  After a quarter of an hour, he returned with a gun on him.  He started threatening people.  When he saw that no one wanted to obey him, he began to shoot them all, one by one.  It doesn't matter.  Child, woman, man, elderly... It doesn't matter.

Police sirens are heard, a sign of the arrival of the police.  I'm confused.  why dad?Why did he have to die?

-hi.. Where is Gabriela?  Mom asks, after she recovers.

-she returned to the hotel when she heard gunshots.  It got scared.  She's going to be more broken than the two of us.  He loved his father very much.  I don't know how she will react...

- God, I can't believe that this happened... Says the mother, starting to cry again.

-Mom, calm down!  Everything will be fine!  I say and take her in my arms.

We head to the hotel.  We don't know what to tell Gabriela.  No matter what we say to her, he will still suffer.  I don't want to do this.  Mother doesn't want either.  I don't have the strength to say to her face "Gabriela, dad is dead." But I will have to because my mother is in no condition at the moment.

We arrived at the hotel, where Gabi was waiting for us on the big bed with white sheets.  I was ready.  Or not.  Not even at all.  But I had nowhere to go.

-Gabriela, we need to talk... Dad, well... And I start telling stories.  I got to the end, I ended with "and now, dad's dead."

-Do not lie. That's not true.  You are a liar.  How can you say that about your father?  About our father?  Never speak to me again!  She says and walks out the door.

-Hey, wait!  Gabi!  Wait, we need to talk!  I yell at her as I go down the stairs.

I get downstairs and she's nowhere to be found.  Where is Gabriela?

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