“Nope, even though my birth mother wanted me to starve, I still have a godmother! My godmother caused me to grow a belly.”

Lu YunFei looked at him in askance, “You, godmother?”

“She’s not just my godmother, she’s everyone’s godmother,” Li YuanQing grinned, “The country’s goddess—”

“You mean you ate Lao Gan Ma for three consecutive days?” Wen MingYi asked in astonishment, “Did your blood pressure drop?”

Li YuanQing, “......”

Li YuanQing looked at him in annoyance, “I have my limits okay, it’s only at home where I hug the goddess and lay in the embrace of my godmother. Once I’m out of the house, I’m free as fish in the sea and a bird in the sky to eat whatever I want.”

At this point of the conversation, Lu YunFei suddenly thought of something, “Do you think that Bian JinYuan has time to eat lunch if he works part-time every afternoon?”

He remembered the time when he helped Bian JinYuan in his fight, and that Bian JinYuan had gone to eat after the fight. So just where did he work in the afternoon? It was definitely not the cake shop, it was too far from school and was impossible for him to include traveling to and fro together with his working hours.

“If you’re curious,” Wen MingYi said, “Then just ask him. I see that he treats you quite well, even helping to oversee your spelling memorisation.”

“Don’t bring it up,” Lu YunFei was annoyed just thinking about it. Since yesterday, he had made preparations to learn from him, but this teacher had only made a casual remark and simply wanted to gauge his level. He never intended to take him under his wing, it was so infuriating. It was then when Lu YunFei felt that what Bian JinYuan’s ex-desk mate said was right—if the top student would be counted on, then sows could climb trees .

Evidently, even though the sow had already climbed the tree, the top student still couldn’t be counted upon.

“Nothing. Let’s go, eat.”

At night. Lu YunFei saw tutor Wang once more. During National Day, tutor Wang had created a new set of tutoring methods.

“What do you think? Is this easier to understand?” Tutor Wang asked with hopeful expectations.

Lu YunFei glanced at his young and dependable English tutor who still seemed to have a headful of hair, and regretfully replied with his honest opinion, “You may not believe me, but no.”

Tutor Wang felt that he was becoming depressed. “Don’t worry, this is only the first part. Let’s try it and see if there's any improvement later on.”

Lu YunFei saw his look of perseverance and thought that if they continued on this path, it wasn’t sure that his English might improve or not, but it was definite that Tutor Wang’s hair was going to be a lot thinner.

It would be terrifying if he didn’t become better yet Tutor Wang became bald in the end.

And so Lu YunFei patted the shoulder of his cool and seemingly mixed race tutor, “You’ve worked hard.”

“It’s nothing, it’s nothing. I’m just working for the service of my countrymen,” Tutor Wang replied with nationalistic fervour.

At 9 pm, Lu YunFei once again woke up in the Tmall Genie. There were no other people in Bian JinYuan’s house this time. Bian Jie was teaching Shuang Shuang how to read, while Bian JinYuan was writing something.

Lu YunFei felt bored, and started to memorize English vocabulary.

After memorizing for a while, he heard Bian Jie say to Bian JinYuan, “Shuang Shuang and I are turning in, you should sleep early too.”

“Mmm,” Bian JinYuan nodded, “I will after I’m done writing this.”

Bian Jie glanced over and asked, “You're writing English?’

Bian JinYuan nodded.

Seeing this, Bian Jie didn’t probe further and helped Shuang Shuang to clean his face, hands, and feet before carrying him off to bed.

Lu YunFei watched as Bian JinYuan bent his head down to write English as he occasionally flipped through books and referenced the teaching materials. He thought about what kind of English it was that he needed to work on it for so long.

He looked at the clock hung upon the nearby wall. When the clock turned twelve, he reminded Bian JinYuan, “The time now in Beijing is 12am.”

Bian JinYuan was surprised when he suddenly made a sound. He turned back to look at the Tmall Genie behind him and said in exasperation, “Tmall Genie.”

After I Possessed the Tmall Genie of the School AdonisWhere stories live. Discover now