Chapter 14 - Hearts full of passion, jealousy, and hate

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Brooklyn, May 14th, 1941

"Bucky! Wake up, son, you're gonna be late for work!"

Bucky groaned as he pushed himself up on his elbows.

"I'm up, pops!" he called drowsily.

"I'm taking your sister to school! Hurry up and get dressed; breakfast and lunch are ready in the kitchen!"

"Uhu, yeah... Thanks!"

Bucky rubbed the sleep away from his eyes and turned his head lazily to check his alarm clock. A little after seven... Thank God he had the day shift today. If he punched in at work no later than 8.30 am, he'd be okay. He had some time to wash and get ready, but he wouldn't be able to pass by Steve's. He'd have to do that after work. On the bright side, going later meant there'd be less chance of walking into...
Bucky was suddenly wide awake. He threw the covers back and looked down, praying desperately that it hadn't happened again. But when he saw the stains on his briefs, he knew it had. He grunted in frustration and dropped back on his pillow, covering his face with his hands. This was so embarrassing. His mind and body were in a conspiracy to mess him up.

It had been two months since his birthday. Two months since that night at the Atalanta Club. Two months since Bucky and Evelyn had kissed. And not a single day had gone by without him thinking about it in some way. He tried not to, though. Boy, did he try. But no matter what he did, he always ended up on that dance floor with Evelyn in his arms and her lips against his.
Bucky went out with Bonnie a couple of times, all in an attempt to get Evelyn out of his head. She was a lovely dame. Real friendly, too. And she'd been more than willing to go past second and even third base after a few dates. But every time Bucky kissed her, he felt something was missing. It wasn't that she was a bad kisser, far from it. It was just... There was no connection. Not like with...

Nope, not going there! I do not want Blondie like that. She's impulsive and arrogant and stubborn and... and kind. Gentle. Gorgeou- Oh Christ, no!

Bucky quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He stripped down and stepped into the shower. The ice-cold water ran over his skin, making Bucky shiver. He stood stock-still, breathing deeply with his eyes firmly shut. Slowly but surely, with the help of the cold water and by thinking of literally anything but Evelyn Rogers, Bucky lost his erection. He sighed in relief and turned the water off. This was becoming a problem. He had to find a way to deal with it. Fast.
But first things, first - work. Enough time had been wasted. And at least that early shipment coming in from Ceylon today would keep his mind off of Evelyn.
He hoped.


"Heads up!"

Bucky dove to catch the bag before it hit the ground.

"Throw it a little further, why don't ya!"

"Ain't my fault you're daydreaming again!" replied Simon gruffly. "Now come on, move your ass! We got another full container to go!"

"Another?! Jeez, what the heck is up with people and all these spices?!"

"Beats me! Just hustle, will ya?!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going!"

Bucky threw the bag over his right shoulder and carried it down the dock, careful not to get in the way of anyone else. It was unusually busy today, which was good, of course. A busy day meant work. Work meant another day that some could feed their families. Bucky was lucky he got a job on the fixed crew. He was young, strong, and smart. If he wasn't on the docks, helping with the unloading, he was at the warehouse, doing inventory and admin - something not many other guys could do.
But the fixed crew only got so much work done. So they got stuck with day workers. Some came every day and got the hang of things pretty quickly. They were practically part of the family. And then there were those who only came once in a while. Those were the ones who could screw everything up for the rest.

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