The idea (Sophie's perspective)

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Ever since Keefe has been missing I have been lonely.  I never have realized I have cared more about Keefe than I knew.  Then I had an idea. You could guess what my idea is because it is so obvious.  Go find Keefe!!! But I also need a plan... I rush to grab a backpack in my closet. I shoved any outfits that would be needed in my journey.  I need food for my journey. "MOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!" I scream, "I'M HUNGRY!" A buffet of food appears on my bed. I heard a fainted scream "served!" Then, I ran to the kitchen to grab a container and bag. Then I rush back to my room to continue packing. When I reached my room I continued packing for my journey. I decided to leave at dawn. "But first, sleep!!!" I thought. I changed into my P. J's and flopped on my bed. I immediately feel asleep preparing for none. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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