"Minho, is this... avocado?"

"Yes, but it goes on mine. You don't have to put it on yours."

Jisung's displeased frown clears. He nods happily.

"It does taste good though," Minho mutters. He's always disappointed. How can Jisung dislike some of his favorite food?

"You think coffee tastes good too..." Jisung responds.

Minho pauses. Turns to him. Jisung's slicing avocados carefully.

"Um, okay... and?" Minho says.

"Nothing..." Jisung responds. But his nose is scrunched.

"If you weren't so cute, I'd be hurt, Sungie..."

Jisung laughs. He throws his head back. HIs eye corners crinkle.

Minho ends up laughing too. Then steps close.

To plant a big smooch on Jisung's cheek.

Minho speaks to his editor on the phone after lunch. He stays in the kitchen. Because Jisung gets so quiet when he's doing work.

He leans back on the counter. Listens to his editor. Watches Jisung munching adorably on the sofa. It's a bag of some chewy candy.

He's watching a movie. Its volume is low.

Minho smiles at that. Jisung keeps getting more and more thoughtful. What a sweet man.

"Alright, yeah," Minho says. To his editor. "I'll get started soon."

He hangs up. Walks to the living room. Looks around.

Jisung pauses. Blinks at him. "Minho, is everything okay?"

"Yes, but could you help me for a few minutes?"

Jisung jumps off the couch. "Yeah! I can help! What do you want me to do? What can I help with?"

For Minho's work... there is the volume being published in a month. He'll have to get his chapters redone. His drawings made better. He'll add color. Extra scenes and details.

The work is slower. Longer. Compared to the sketches he does. Those usually just needs lining. Coloring in black mostly. They're only about fifteen pages. But for a volume...

It means all his previous chapters get combined.

He has to move to a better work space. He tells Jisung this. The other helps him carry everything to a desk. It's near the corner by his bookshelves. It's away from the TV. Sofa. Table.

"Didn't you use to work near the sofa?" Jisung asks.

"Yeah, I used to work there because I was..."

Lazy. He preferred being comfortable. He liked to lie on the ground. On the couch. To take naps in between. 

He used to do that before he started having JIsung for longer hours too. Because... he needed to finish his work. Needed to leave time for the mannequin. So he can spend most of it with Jisung.

Now... Jisung's around all day. Minho doesn't think of falling back on the sofa for a nap. He has Jisung to talk to. Cook with. Shop with. Feed.

But also... if he's working for hours on the floor... using the coffee table and sofa... Then Jisung will sit patiently for him. He'll be quiet. Pouty.

He'll stay away from the spaces Minho's using. To not mess up his work. Minho knows he'll be placing sketches everywhere. On the floor. Sofa.

Jisung's too considerate of Minho now. It would be unfair to him.

Minho wants him to read. To move around freely. Watch movies. Lie on the sofa if he wants. Munch on snacks.

He should enjoy himself. Rather than wait for Minho. Who might forget time. Or work the whole day with short breaks.

Jisung's staring at him. Waiting. For an answer.

"Uh, I'll go back to working anywhere in the house again, when there's less pages to do. But I'll stay here for now." Minho says.

"Oh, because you can lose them if there's a lot!"

"Yes, you're right." Minho chuckles. Pecks his lips.

Oh, Jisung has become such an important person in his life.

To be continued...

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