chapter one

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Hinata dug his feet into the pedals of his bicycle, speeding off to school so he wouldn't be late. He'd left the same time he did every morning, but it only dawned on him a few minutes away from school that he had forgotten his school bag. He contemplated not going back for it, but remembered he had a homework assignment due. Seething, he veered off and sped home. He burst into his house, grabbed his bag, and ran back out, anxious to get to the gym on time.

In the morning, he'd race Kageyama, a teammate and somewhat of a friend of his, to the gym doors since they usually arrived simultaneously. Hinata was conscious of the fact that Kageyama would never pass up an easy chance of winning, so he was probably standing close to the door so he'd have the advantage.

So he quietly pushed his bicycle into an open spot and chained it up. He looked up and over to the gym in front of him, and sure enough, Kageyama was standing a few feet away from the doors. He scoffed, rolled up his sleeves, and sprinted towards the doors. Kageyama, who had been speaking to Yamaguchi, noticed him, gasped overdramatically, and disregarded his conversation to chase after Hinata.

"Hinata, you're an asshole!" He yelled.

"I know I am!" Hinata called, not looking back. "But I'm a winner!" He picked up the pace and stepped into the gym a mere three seconds before Kageyama had. When Kageyama made it to the door, he had so much momentum that he collided into Hinata, sending both of them plummeting to the ground. Hinata groaned, shoving Kageyama off of him.

"I hate you," Kageyama whined, digging his palms into his eye-sockets.

"Why? Because I'm smart? Because I knew what you were up to since I was late?" He jumped to his feet, laughing triumphantly.

"I wasn't up to anything," he heaved, not getting up.

"You're both so immature," Tsukishima scoffed, walking into the gym with his arm slung around Yamaguchi's shoulders.

Yamaguchi elbowed him. "Shut up," he muttered. Tsukishima grinned at him.

"There's actually no point in living anymore," Kageyama continued dramatically.

"The fuck's up with him?" Tanaka asked, walking into the gym.

"He's upset because Shoyo beat him in a race," Yamaguchi said blankly. "And Shoyo was late."

Kageyama let out a long, loud groan. "I hate this team."

"I don't like your attitude," Daichi, their team's captain, remarked as he walked into the gym. "Where's your team spirit?" Sugawara followed Daichi into the gym, half-asleep. Daichi turned around to face him and put his hands on Suga's shoulders. "And yours?" Suga groaned in response.

Kageyama had gotten to his feet and started jumping energetically. "Go, team! I love Karasuno! Volleyball! Yay!" He cheered overenthusiastically.

Daichi was not amused. He sighed. "Go... practice some sets..."

Yes, captain!" Kageyama eagerly ran to the center of the court and picked up a volleyball. He spun it around in his hands. "Hinata, come and spike for me!"

Hinata gave him an annoyed glare. "Give me a few minutes."

Kageyama groaned. "But Hinata!"

"Stop acting like a child! Play by yourself for a bit." Kageyama flipped him off and reluctantly began practicing sets by himself, giving Hinata a pitying glare. Hinata rolled his eyes and turned to face Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. "Good morning."

"Shoyo!" Yamaguchi sang, shrugging Tsukishima's arm off of his shoulder and throwing his arms fervently around Hinata.

"Tadashi!" Hinata wrapped his arms around Yamaguchi, squeezing him tightly.

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