They arrived at double doors designed with carvings of emblems. The door is a dark red in color with silver handles.

"If you will wait here, Snowflake." Garle said as he opened one of the doors.

"I'll be back, Snow."

He smiled out her and she nodded, letting go of his sleeve.

Silas walked in as King Garle closed the door. The room appeared to be a library of some sort. Although, not as big as a normal library, this one looked as though it is King Garle's personal library. A desk rested in the back of the room, facing towards them. A large window sat behind the desk, revealing a perfect view of the castle's garden.

King Garle walked towards his desk and sat down.

"Please do have a sit."

Silas grabbed a fancy, but small wooden chair and placed it in front of King Garle's desk.

The king took a deep breath and exhaled.

"I have heard your training has gone exponential."

"Have Lance and Maxwell been writing to you?"

"Yes, and after being so pleased with your unique ability to adapt, they said there is no need to worry and discontinued their letters."

"I see."

The king noticed he kept in some sort of remark.

"Everything will be known in time." he added.

"Then I will wait. So, what do we need to talk about?"

The king looked down at a paper as if he read a script.

"As you know, you have been training to become a soldier. Each soldier has had a trial they had to complete before they became official. However, your trial will be different."

He picked up an item that appeared to be a letter.

"This letter has made its way to me after some time." he said as he handed Silas the letter. "I have not read it and believe that it should be read only by you."

Silas looked at the front of the letter. A red mark of a what appeared to be a smudged ink mark of a crest.

To whom who's born with white hair. The letter read.

Silas concluded that the letter referred to him only.

"How many others with white hair are there?" Silas asked.

"I do not know, but I believe that will be an answer only you will find out in your travels. Read the letter. The red mark indicates that it is an emergency from the land of Caesaria. Your task will be to answer that letter's call."

Silas opened the stain letter and slipped out the paper that is enveloped inside.

'Our land has already fallen, and I cannot waste time writing this plea. I sent our princess lunar your land Alfeiry. I hope she has made it; however, doubt clouds my mind. I hope this letter gets into the hands of another being with white hair before danger befalls her. Otherwise, a soldier from Alfeiry will do. I beg with my dead body, find her, and protect her from the hands of this cult.'

"What do you need to do, young Silas?"

"The land of Caesaria has fallen. It doesn't say by who, but the sender tells me to find the princess."

Silas sat deep in thought. After some time collecting his thoughts, he spoke.

"Do you have any information about a cult?" he asked.

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