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Nothing really happened after we met. I can tell none of them liked me. Especially Jungkook, every time he looked at me I felt like he was to murder me. He terrifies me.

I'm currently waiting outside Minsu's school to pick him up.

"HYUNG!" Minsu yelled after spotting me.

"Hey bro, did you have fun?" I said ruffling his hair. Minsu is always excited to see me no matter how many times he's seen me in the day.


"What did you do?"

"I played with my friends."

"Yeah?, what else did you do?"

"Oh i had a test.."

"Really? How much did you get?"


"How average?"


"Minsu, that's not even average" I sighed

"At least I'm not last!"

"Did you even try?"


I sighed what felt like the millionth time. Minsu lowered his head.

"Are you disappointed?..."

"Yes, a little."

"I'm sorry.."

"I wouldn't be disappointed if you had tried. Do you know how important studying is?" Minsu stayed quiet. I hate having to scold him over his grades but he needs to learn to try. He's been like this since our parents left. I'd hate to watch him destroy his life from an early age.

"Let's make a deal okay?" He looked up with an confused expression. I chuckled finding his confusion cute.

"Every time you score higher then 50 I will buy you want ever you want!" Minsu nodded eagerly. "But you have to ask Haru to help you study." He took a moment to think about the deal before he agreed.


We finally made it Haru's school but he wasn't waiting outside the entrance like I told him to. That's odd? I thought before I tried calling him, he didn't answer. I tried calling a few more times and still no answer. I started to grow worried. Haru always answered my calls, he always waited for me. This isn't like him.

I called PD-nim and asked if Haru was with him.


"Hello Pd-nim"

"Is everything alright?"

"Uh, yes everything okay but um, I was wondering if you had picked Haru up from school?"

"No I haven't, why?"

"I was just wondering."


"Uh I'll see you later! Bye Pd-nim!"

"Alright see you later."

If I wasn't panicking before, I am now. Minsu noticed I was panicking and asked if I was okay. I told him a I was as I didn't want him to get worried. I was trying to figure out where Haru would be when suddenly I heard someone yelling.

"Minsu stay here."

Without waiting for him to respond I walked to where the yelling was coming from. When I got there I saw 3 boys surrounding another boy.

"Hey! What are you boys doing?" They all looked at me with surprised expressions. "What are you doing here!" One of the boys said, his surprise turning into anger. "I'm here to see someone." I said calmly as to not anger them any further. "Well whoever they are, they're not here so go away will ya?" Another boy said. "That was a bit rude don't you think? I'm older then you!" Honestly kids these days don't have any respect for their elders.

I was trying to look at the boy who was being surrounded faces. When I couldn't I looked at his shoes. I was only doing this to see if I can identify why the boys would surround him. His shoes looked very familiar. It's the same pair that Haru wears.

"Haru is that you?" I asked.

"Hyung..." He was embarrassed but also relieved that I was here. I walked closer to him so I could grab him but the 3 boys stopped me.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm getting my brother so we can go home."

"You can't!"


"We're not finished with him!" These little shits..

"I don't care, he needs to go home so I'm taking him!" I pushed passed the boys who were standing in the way. As I got closer to Haru one boy grabbed my arm stopping me from approaching closer.

"Let go." I was now angry. I knew what these boys were doing, they were bullying Haru.

"I said let go." I tried to force my arm out of his grip but it was no use. The boy tightened his grip.

"For an older brother, you're rather weak. It must run family." The chuckled "Yeah, it must come from their father!" They all laughed as if it was something to laugh at.

"Haru go the to the front gate and go home with Minsu."

"But hyung!"

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine, just go." Haru hesitantly left. I could tell he wanted to stay but I didn't want him to see what i'm going to do.

"Do you enjoy picking on my brother?"

"What if we do?"

"Why do you enjoy picking on him? Is it because he's weak? He's different?"

"Obviously why else would we pick on him?"

"Maybe because you feel weak, you want control, you don't feel like you're loved, you feel helpless or you're jealous of others that are loved. I'm right ain't I-" thud, I stumbled out of the boys grip as he had punched me. Bingo. "Did I hit a nerve?" I said rubbing my cheek.

"Shut up!" One said.

"You. Don't. Know. Anything." Another said and just like that we broke into a fight.

I normally don't get into fights and I know I shouldn't be fighting as I'm an idol now but I have to do this for Haru otherwise what type of brother am I?

939 words'

Merry christmas everyone!!

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