Chapter 23 - Maddie

Start from the beginning

"He likes you for who you are. You just... be you. For some reason, he likes that."

I shot her a half-hearted smirk while gathering my pack off the floor as the bus slowed.

"I guess I'll fix my makeup and then go over there." I swallowed hard, racking my brain for what I would say when he answered the door.

"Don't make it more than it is. He'll be thrilled to see you. Trust me, after watching him the other night I can assure you he's going to go out of his way to make you comfortable. He literally worships you, Maddie. You rejected him all summer, told him you weren't interested, that he wasn't your type, you screamed in his face and almost punched him and-"

"Okay, okay, I'm a monster, I get it. Jeez, you're making me feel awful." I scratched at my arm absentmindedly, wondering if I should change my clothes before I leave.

Charlotte opened the door and I followed after her.

"Besides, you-"

I looked at Charlotte, curious as to why she stopped abruptly and then noticed movement out of the corner of my eyes. It was Kellan. He was holding my Nintendo 64 controller in his hands. It looked tiny.

"Or maybe you won't have to skate to his house. He could just be standing in our living room waiting for you." The smile in her voice was obvious. 

"Hi," he said. I noticed he hadn't looked at Charlotte once.

"Hi," I responded, forcing myself to keep eye contact, but blinking way more than I probably needed to.

"So, there's a story for why I'm here," he began nervously. "But I can leave if you want me to! Please don't be upset!" he hastily finished, and I cringed, remembering what Charlotte had said on the bus.

"No, please! I'd, umm... I'd really like it if you stayed."

I breathed again as I watched him relaxing.

"Hey, Char, will you give us a minute?" I waved her away without taking my eyes off Kellan. When I didn't hear her move, I looked back.

The little brat was holding her phone out recording us. I snatched it out of her hands and scowled.

"What? No way! Hand it back! This is getting good! I think we have a shot at cracking 50k on 'Tok."

I pushed her playfully and thrust the phone at her.

"Go. Away. Now. And no one calls it 'Tok." I said, a ghost of a smirk trying to work its way to my still twitching lips.

"Okay, okay, I'm going. But if you want to sleep tonight, you'll be giving me details. Or else I'll lay on top of you until you tell me what happened!"

I rolled my eyes and waited until she was up the stairs before turning back to Kellan. My heart thundered. This was so much easier when I was convinced that he didn't really like me. What would I say to him now? Think!

" you like Lenora's Mask?" I motioned toward the TV.

He blinked, glancing at the TV.

"Oh, yeah, that... yeah, it's cool. I mean, I'm failing miserably at it right now, but it's fun. Finally made it out of Time Town after two hours of running around. There's so much going on in that little town." He scratched his cheek.

"I could help you with that. I'm pretty good at this game if I do say so myself."

Kellan smiled at me the way he had all summer, but for the first time, I let myself enjoy it, my eyes naturally drawn to his full lips.

"Oh, I'm sure you could, but how about we take a walk and I'll tell you about my not very unique, supernormal day?" he asked, his deep-set eyes obscured in his laughter.

I Love You Just the Way You Are (Book 1- Rock Canyon Series)Where stories live. Discover now