“Shh.. I’m not doing anything. Stop crying love.” Aiden hugged her. As she cried on his chest. 

             To her surprise he picked her in his arms and started to ascend the stairs.  “Wh.. what are you doing?” Elena asked. “Nothing taking you back to our room.”

              “The dress is on the bed. Change it. And come downstairs . Don’t make me wait . ok” . He said as he dropped her in his room.

          Elena nodded, not finding her voice. As soon as he left the room she locked the door. Not trusting him. Elena found a beautiful dress laying on the bed. She was relieved finding undergarments with it

          She took the dress and went into the washroom. She took his shirt off and looked in the mirror. Tears welled in her eyes as she stared at her body. His marks were covering her upper body. Hand prints on her breasts and waist. 


             She couldn’t help the sob that ripped through her mouth. Tearing her gaze from the mirror. She made her way towards the sink. 

  She promised herself she will not cry anymore not because of him. She won’t waste her tears on him anymore. Washing her face she changed the dress. 


          After muttering a lot of courage she preparedprapared herself to face the devil. She knew that  she hashass to get over with it as soon as possible. She descendeddecended the stairs only to be greeted by delicious aroma of food. Her stomach growled loudly reminding her she has not eaten anything since last night.


          Her train of thoughts were broken by a light chuckle. She saw Aiden standing on the last stair holding out his hand for her. HesitantlyHasitently she placedplacedd her hand in his.

         “You look beautifulbeauutiiful, Amore ''Amore”. Aiden said as he stared at her. “Thank you” her voice came out merely a whisper.

            Just onone clue : herher stomach decided to embarrassembarress her again by making a dyingdyind whale sound. Elena’s face turned beetroot red. He made her sit on a chair next to him on the huge dining table.

    Eleana looked in awe at all the food on the table. There were so many dishes. She settled for scrambled eggs , toast and coffee. While Aiden asked for his black coffee.

“ Eat your food after that I’ll drop you to your house. Okay?” Aiden asked to which Eleana nodded. She started to eat hastily as cannot wait to get away from him.

  “I'm done,” said Eleana as she took the last  bite and wiped the corners of her mouth.

   Aiden smirked watching her. She looked like a scared kitten to him  and he cannot deny the attraction . The way she licked her lips after wiping her mouth . How badly he wanted it was his tongue instead of hers that wiped her lips.

Shrugging off these thoughts he got up from the chair . “Let's go then.” Said Aiden . Eleana followed him like a lost kitten. He opened the car door for her . Eleana hesitated for a moment before settling in. Being with him in such a close place still haunted her.

   Gulping down the saliva she looked out of the window as Aiden sat on the driving seat. 

  The drive was rather peaceful. None of them said anything except for a few gazes from him.

     But Eleana nerves were still not calm. Bits of previous nights were still flashing in her mind. How he touched her . How vulnerable and weak she felt. How he made her fell worthless.

          The car stopped breaking her trance. They reached her house, She hurriedly undid her seat belt and opened the door. Just as she was about to step out a hand gripped her forearm, settling her back on the seat.

              “ What are you doing? Let me go.” Eleana said, looking furiously at him . Aiden looked at her before handing her phone back. “ Here. I’ll call you and I hope you won't make any mistake like ignoring me. Hmm.” He said, Looking in her eyes as daring her to say otherwise. She nodded. 

           “Words Amore.” He said tightening her grip on her arm. 

“Yes” she said as tears appeared in her eyes. His grip was almost bruising. 

     He smiled as he pecked her lips whispering Go . She hurried out of the car, almost running towards her house.  

     Aiden smirked watching his kitten running away from  him.

“Enjoy your freedom Amore. Soon you will be mine.” He said watching her going inside.

    Eleana on the other side ran to her room, closing the door allowing her tears to roll down freely. “ Noah, she has to contact him as soon as possible”.

              She thought Noah will save her unaware of the storm that will destroy her completely.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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