That makes two of us. Sage always paints the picture of perfection to everyone the outside, but I see her. I've always seen the pain that lingers in those pale blue eyes of hers. It's in the tension that begins at her shoulders, in the way her fists curls all while she keeps her face perfectly neutral. The only tell of what emotions rage within is when she's been using, not that healthiest way of coping with bottled up emotions.

"She's gonna do well with some time away, I think." Lola voice cuts into my thoughts. My gaze snaps to her briefly as we drive through town. I'd bypass my usual stop at Daisy's for flowers, suddenly aware of Lola in the jeep. I'm a fucking asshole. I have an amazing girlfriend and I can't keep my thoughts away from my best friend's sister.

"She was surprisingly cooperative this time around." I murmured, my grip on the wheel tightening as we near the hospital. I maneuver the jeep into the parking lot, ironically into the very spot I'd always parked on a daily basis. The cold air breached my leather jacket where it was unzipped as I opened Lola's door. "Thank you kind sir." Lola giggles and curtsies. Guilt eats at me at the thought of hurting this girl. I force a smile on my face and held her hand as walked inside.

The walk to Sage's room is a torturous and awkward journey, unfamiliar tension building in my body as I remove my hand from Lola's to knock on the door. Her brows furrow in confusion. "Come in!" Sage's voice calls from the door.

"Hey! Still up for visitors?" I smile, the tension bleeding out of my body as I step into the the room. It's momentary as Sage's gaze shifts behind me to Lola's small frame lingering by the door. I note how Sage tenses, but her face is composed into that signature fake smile before her eyes land on mine. "Sure, why not?" She shrugs and twirls her hair around her finger, the movement drawing my attention to her charm bracelet.

"You look amazing, Sage." Lola smiles and sits in the chair closest to the door. My brows lift and my gaze shifts to Sage, who is watching Lola with fascination. I get it. I've never really done the relationship thing, other than when Sage and I were in limbo before everyone found out Anthony was grooming her, the fucking pedophile.

"Thank you, I guess." Sage sighs and sips a questionable looking green smoothie. "Mom's been on this self care kick, which I know is partly to bond and partly so I don't look like road kill when I get sent to Hillcrest. Don't know how she managed to get my hairstylist to book me an appointment tomorrow, but Dr. Stone was pretty upset about it."

"Understandable. You've only been awake a few days." I huff out an exasperated breath. "Kendall should know better. How's that been, the bonding?" I kick my feet up on the bed as Sage sighs, brushing her manicured hands on the quilt I'm sure Kendall brought for her. "It's weird. Sometimes I get so furious the instant I see her, but then I see how scared or nervous she is that she'll upset me somehow and I..."

"A part of you feels like if she's trying then maybe you should as well?" Lola supplies, a look of understanding on her face. "Sorry, I didn't mean to uh intrude." She folds her hands into her lap, a look of discomfort on her face. I shoot a look at Sage, whose brows are raised curiously before she shrugs, "Relax, Lola. I'm sure Kade mentioned what a pain in the ass I am, but you're not intruding at all." She takes another sip of the gross looking smoothie and I wrinkle my nose at it.

"Is that shit even good?" I pluck it out of her hand and sniff it. "Fuck, Sage, this shit smells like a fucking plant. I can't, in good faith allow you to continue with this shit." Without looking, I toss the smoothie into the trash bin behind me, "I'm ordering shakes from Sugar Shack. What do you want?" I ask, pulling my phone out and opening the app.

"Fucker, that was actually good." Sage sticks her tongue out and I force myself not to imagine that tongue on my body. Shit, my eyes drift to Lola and she's watching me, her expression thoughtful, "I want a raspberry cheesecake shake, please."

I smile and wink at her, grateful she didn't pick up on the train of my thoughts in regard to Sage. "What about you, Sai? Let me guess, you want a mint chocolate shake with Oreos on top." I smirk as her eyes brighten and she laughs and I swear my heart, as well as my dick, swell with the sweet sounds of her laughter. I order a blueberry cheesecake shake for myself and we watch Avengers while we wait.

"Trust me he's so fucking hot and I'd let him rail me with his hammer anyway of the week." Sage says as I walk back into the room carrying our shakes twenty minutes later. "I'm more of a Captain America kinda girl." Lola coos watching the man himself take down a bad guy.

"So chicks really do that kinda shit?" I ask , distributing drinks and plopping back into my seat. "In that case, Black Widow is every guys wet dream." Of course both girls shoot me death stares and I hold my hand up in surrender, "What? You can't tell me you don't have a lady boner for her?" I challenge, watching as they both shoot each other looks of consideration before cackling.

"Okay, you've got a point there." Lola laughs and sips her shake. I glance over at Sage and her gaze catches mine, those pale blue eyes filled with warmth and the smile that appears on her plump lips tugs at my heart. She's... happy. She gives me a slight nod and I know she's okay. That feeling of protectiveness swims through my blood and I want more than anything to make sure she finds herself again, and to do that, I need to hunt down the fucker that attacked her.

But for now, at least, I can help her find her center and let the Sage I knew before Anthony destroyed her, shine through, clean and sober. Let's hope it sticks this time.

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